José Subtil

PhD Researcher

Graduated in History from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, Master in 19th and 20th Century History from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon, PhD in Modern Political and Institutional History and Aggregate in the History Group, Discipline of Institutional History and Modern Politics, from the same Faculty.

He was Coordinator Professor with Aggregation at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo where he was part of the General Council as an elected member. He is currently Full Professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa where he was President-elect of the Scientific Council (2010 to 2016) and member of the panel of evaluators of scholarships (History and Archaeology) of the Foundation for Science and Technology.

He has held several public positions, in the last ten years standing out as Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance (1997-2000), at the Ministry of Sousa Franco, being responsible for the installation of the Central Library and the Contemporary Archives of the Ministry of Finance.

He was a member of the Commission for the Reform and Reinstallation of the National Archive of Torre do Tombo and Director of Services of the Portuguese Archives Institute (1990-1992) and of the Commissions for the Promotion of the Coin Museum and the Medal, Regulation of the Common Structures of Tax Organisations and the Institute for Fiscal Training (1999-2001), created by resolution of the Council of Ministers.

He was National Coordinator of the Accreditation Commission and member of the Board of the National Institute for Teacher Training Accreditation in the ministry of Marçal Grilo.

It has several individual and collective publications.

He was scientific coordinator of the DVD edition of Xavier da Silva Pereira’s Portuguese Journalistic Dictionary, Academia das Ciências and Grupo Impresa, 2009.

He has oriented and guided dozens of master’s theses and doctoral dissertations and has been a member of about a hundred public juries. He has participated in several research projects, highlighting the collaboration with ICS, ISCTE, IPA, IPVC, CEDIS and OBSERVARE.

It also has about eight dozen articles published in magazines, at home and abroad, and nearly a hundred communications in colloquia, meetings and seminars. He received the Academic Merit Award from the Fernão de Magalhães Foundation in 1996 and 1997 and four public honours.

Publicações mais recentes

SUBTIL, José. (2023). As Cortes Constituintes e a insuperável discórdia política entre deputados portugueses e brasileiros (1820-1823). Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal, (19), 1-23. 

SUBTIL, José  (2023). Araújo, A. C. (2022). Resistência patriótica e Revolução Liberal (1808-1820). Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal. 2 (19). 1- 3 (Recensão)

SUBTIL, José. O crime e o castigo: alteridade entre as Luzes e o Liberalismo (Portugal, 1750-1841). In: SUBTIL, José; ATALLAH, Cláudia Azeredo; MOTA, Maria Sarita (organizadores), Criminalidade, Justiça e Direito no Mundo Ibérico, Buenos Aires:Editorial Teseo, 2022, pp. 10-32.   

SUBTIL, José. Espaço político e organização do poder no Antigo Regime em Portugal. Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, Brasil, S. Paulo, n.83, p. 88-116, dez.2022. 

SUBTIL, José. Higher Education Will Be What the Institutional Model Is: The Case of Portugal. In: LEANDRO, Francisco José; OBEROI, Roopinder (Editores),

Disentangled Vision on Higher Education, Preparing the Generation Next. New York: PETER LANG, 2023, p. 353-374 (ISBN 978-1-4331-8594-6, hardcover; ISBN 978-1-4331-8690-5, ebook pdf; ISBN 978-1-4331-8691-2, epub; DOI 10.3726/b18217, p. 524)

SUBTIL,José. A Lei da ‘Boa Razão’ e o estado de polícia em Portugal. In: FREITAS, Pedro Caridade de; FOUTO, Ana Caldeira (coordenação), A Lei da Boa Razão de 18 de Agosto de 1769: 250 anos depois. Lisboa: AAFDL Editora, 2022, p. 353-389 (ISBN: 978-972-629-821-2, 430 p.)

SUBTIL, José. Desembargo do Paço. In: OLIVEIRA, C. H.; PIMENTA, J. P. (orgs.). Dicionário da Independência do Brasil: história, memória e historiografia. São Paulo: Publicações BBM/Edusp, p2022, p.315-316 (ISBN: 978-65-5785-091-6, 1040 p.)

SUBTIL, José. The political apparatus of Luanda and Lisbon at the end of the Ancien Régime, In Mota, M. S.; Atallah, C. A.; Dominguez, R. C. (Eds). Portuguese colonial cities: local dynamics, global flows (c.1500-1900). Buenos Aires: Editorial Teseo, 2022, pp. 89-109. ISBN: 978-1-911693-08-6.

Subtil, José (2022). Liberdade e justiça popular. O caso da Lei da Liberdade da Imprensa (1820-1823). In Revista de História das Ideias, Vol 40, 2ª Série, pp57-79

José Subtil. Burocracia e tributação sobre a graça e as mercês. Análise Social, lvi (4.º), 2021 (n.º 241), pp. 744-765

Subtil, José (2021). “A ‘economia da graça’ como dispositivo régio de dominação durante o Antigo Regime”in Irene Vaquinhas, António Rafael Amaro, João Paulo Avelãs Nunes and Manuel Ferreira Rodrigues (coords.), History, Business, Industrial Archaeology and Museology. CoimbraImprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, pp. 367-392.

Subtil, José (2021). Popular judges and judges of law during liberalism. Portugal (1820-1841)., e-journal of international relations. Thematic dossier 200 years after the Revolution (1820-2020), December 2021. Consulted [online] in date of the last visit,

Subtil, José (2021). En las vísperas del Reformismo, el Gobierno de los Favoritos y de la Cámara Régia (Portugal 1667-1750). In Díaz, María López (ed) Monarquías Ibéricas, poderes y territórios. Instituciones, Nobleza y Dinámica Política (siglo XVIII). Madrid: Sílex Universidad-Historia, pp193-221

SUBTIL, José – Um olhar caleidoscópico sobre a revolução de 1820 e as suas consequências. Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal [Em linha]. 2a Série No 14 (julho-dezembro 2020), p. 11-14. Disponível na Internet:

SUBTIL, José – Estado de Polícia, Revolução e Estado liberal (1760-1865): “em homenagem a António Manuel Hespanha”. Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal [Em linha]. 2a Série No 14 (julhodezembro 2020), p. 15-40. Disponível na Internet:

SUBTIL, José, “A Lei da ‘Boa Razão’ como Inevitabilidade Pombalina (1756-1768) e a Consagração do Protoliberalismo (1769-1807)”, Marques, Claudia Lima & Cerqueira, Gustavo, A Função Modernizadora do Direito Comparado, 250 anos da Lei da Boav Razão, Homenagem à memória de António Manuel Hespanha e Ruy Rosado de Aguiar Júnior, São Paulo, YK Editora, 2020, pp. 25-40.

OBSERVARE. 2021. All rights reserved​.

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