
Guerra Fria 2.0 – E-book

Guerra Fria 2.0 – E-book

This e-book by Professor Mariano Aguirre is now available online - free of charge. Through DOI https://doi.org/10.26619/978-989-9002-35-7 or link https://observare.autonoma.pt/en/publications/.   Cold War 2.0 presents the complex and dangerous tensions in today's...

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Preparation course for the Diplomatic Career entrance exam

Preparation course for the Diplomatic Career entrance exam

With the opening of a new competition for access to the Diplomatic Career, the Autónoma Academy and the Department of International Relations of the Autónoma University of Lisbon announce the opening of a preparation course for the respective entrance exams. More...

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The Department of International Relations of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa informs that applications are open for the 2023-24 editions of its courses in three study cycles: Bachelor, Master and PhD. Bachelor's Degree in International Relations Master in...

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COURSE | Advanced Studies in Geopolitics (IDN-UAL)

COURSE | Advanced Studies in Geopolitics (IDN-UAL)

Geopolitics - a scientific discipline that is little more than a century old, assumed primarily as the Spatial Dimension of Politics - is a vital instrument for understanding and explaining the complex reality that surrounds us. The Course of Advanced Studies in...

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JANUS NET – VOL. 14, Nº. 1

JANUS NET – VOL. 14, Nº. 1

JANUS.NET, e-journal of international relations - NEW NUMBER Issue 1 of Volume 14 presents 14 scientific articles assessed by double blind peer review and 3 thematic notes. The themes chosen by the authors are diverse, although they have common points, which gives...

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