JANUS NET – VOL. 15, Nº. 1

JANUS.NET, e-journal of international relations – NEW ISSUE Volume 15 Number 1 includes 18 articles, 4 notes and 1 critical review. The thematic diversity defines this issue, highlighting issues...

5 Advanced Courses Regional Studies UAL-IDN 2024

Although it has a long tradition at the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL) - Department of International Relations - and also at the Institute of National Defence (IDN), area or regional studies...

Available online – “Portugal and the Constitution for the Oceans”

The e-book Portugal and the Constitution for the Oceans is now available online in open access.
Master’s and PhD exams

Master’s and PhD exams

EXAMS FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - DISSERTATION DEFENCE Candidate: MANUEL DA SILVA CAETANO Dissertation Theme: Evaluation of the ‘Economic Security’ Dimension of the Concept...

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OBSERVARE – Observatory of Foreign Relations

The Observatory of Foreign Relations was created in 1996 as a center for studies in International Relations at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL). Since then, it has conducted several research projects in this scientific area, among which the publication of  JANUS Yearbook – initially co-edited with the newspaper PÚBLICO and later taken over by EDIUAL, publisher of UAL, should be highlighted.


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OBSERVARE – Observatory of Foreign Relations

The Observatory of Foreign Relations was created in 1996 as a center for studies in International Relations at the Autonomous University of Lisbon. Since then, it has conducted several research projects in this scientific area, among which the publication of a JANUS yearbook- initially co-edited with PUBLIC newspaper and later taken over by EDIUAL, publisher of the Autonomous University, should be highlighted.



A) Security, War and Peace Studies


B) Economic Spaces and Resources Management


C) People and States: constructions and interactions

Recent OBSERVARE Publications

25 Anos de Cooperação de Defesa na CPLP
25 Anos de Cooperação de Defesa na CPLP

The Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) is a co-operation space, essentially maritime, with nine littoral states that live connected to the sea, seven of which are located along the Atlantic Ocean. It is characterised by being strategically located on...

Researchers Publications

OBSERVARE researchers have interventions beyond our editions. In this context, we present a set of the most important titles, thus contributing to the dissemination of everyone’s work.




OBSERVARE decided to establish an award to pay tribute to individuals or organizations that have stood out due to intellectual creativity or relevant practice in their contribution to the understanding of international realities, solidarity among peoples and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. This initiative aims to extend university practice to the positive movements that permeate our world and complement scientific studies through the exercise of cosmopolitan citizenship.


Scientific and peer-reviewed magazine published exclusively online, bilingual, with free access and free of charge, published by OBSERVARE.


The JANUS Yearbook studies the world situation, privileging Portugal’s relationship with other countries.

OBSERVARE. 2021. All rights reserved​.

Research unit evaluated by FCT through the project UID/CPO/04155/2019. This website was restructured through financing by national funds from FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the Project - Refª UID/CPO/04155/2019