Jara Cuadrado

PhD Researcher

Professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and Deputy Director of the Observatory of African Studies at the Universidad de Valladolid.

PhD in International Security from the Instituto Universitario General Gutiérrez Mellado (IUGM) of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Graduated in History from Universida de Valladolid (2011), Master in Peace, Security and Defence from IUGM -UNED- (2013) and Master in High School from Universida de Valladolid (2012). In 2014, he received a four-year PhD fellowship at IUGM. During this period (2014-2018) he was part of the faculty of the Master in Peace, Security and Defence. She is currently a professor at the UNED Doctorate Program in International Security.

She was a visiting scholar at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations -IPRI- (New University of Lisbon) and at the School of Oriental and African Studies -SOAS- (University of London). Participated in the “Actions to Prevent and Combat Human Trafficking” project during a field research in Ghana. In 2015, it was awarded a prize by Casa África (Spanish Foreign Ministry) for an essay on African security.

Her research interests focus on studies of armed conflict and political violence, international security, conflict prevention and early warning policies, particularly in Africa. In his doctoral thesis, entitled Los sistemas de alerta temprana en la prevención de conflictos armados. Un estudio comparativo en África occidental (The early warning systems in the prevention of armed conflicts. A comparative study in West Africa), developed an early warning model to detect risk factors present in West African contexts. Recently, he has specialised in policy analysis for the prevention of radicalisation in women, human trafficking networks and case studies on the prevention of genocide and systematic human rights violations.

She collaborates with several research networks: Africaye, a Spanish group of experts in sub-Saharan Africa; Childheroes, a foundation dedicated to the protection and defence of the rights of the minor, where it participates in a research project on the sexual exploitation of the minor in Sierra Leone; and the research team formed by Territorios de la Memoria España, Territorios de la Mémoire de Lièje and the University of Valladolid on memory, democracy, human rights and political transitions.

Publicações mais recentes

Cuadrado, Jara (2021), Una historia de violencia: inestabilidad política y guerras civiles en África Occidental (1989-2015), Historia del presente, 36 2020/1 2a época, pp. 95-112. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=7799224

Cuadrado, Jara (2021). Gestión de conflictos en el continente africano: una visión desde la CEDEAO, em Africaye (ed.), Brújulas sobre África. Miradas para desaprender la región subsahariana. Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata. ISBN: 9788413521725.  https://www.catarata.org/libro/brujulas-sobre-africa_118422/

Cuadrado, Jara (2020). Oportunidades de prevenção de conflitos. Lições da Comunidade Económica dos Estados da África Ocidental (CEDEAO), en Sousa, Ricardo Real P. e Oliveira, Gilberto Carvalho de (coord.) Resolução de Conflitos – Estudos de Casos. Curitiba: Juruá Editora, Brasil. ISBN 978-65-5605-223-6. https://www.jurua.com.br/shop_item.asp?id=28722

García Andrés, César, Cuadrado, Jara y Arconada Ledesma, Pablo (eds.) (2020 próximo). África, un continente en transformación. Enfoques interdisciplinares. Valladolid: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valladolid.

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