Henrique Morais


Assistant Professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, in the Departments of International Relations and Economic and Business Sciences. Researcher at OBSERVARE-Observatório de Relações Exteriores da UAL.

He is a permanent staff member of the Bank of Portugal, where he is Coordinator of the Innovation and Support Area of the Markets Department. He was Consultant of the Portuguese Post Office (CTT), Chairman of the Executive Committee and Director of Invesfer S.A., a company of the REFER Group, and also Director and Executive Director of CP Carga.

He is a lecturer at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (on the Economics and International Relations courses) and on the MBA in Corporate Finance at Universidade do Algarve. He is also a member of the Foreign Relations Observatory of the UAL, where he has been involved in various research projects, as well as participating regularly in the various editions of Janus – the International Relations Yearbook.

Degree in Economics from the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa / Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG). Master in International Economics by the ISEG. PhD in International Relations: Geopolitics and Geoeconomics by the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (2021).

Publicações mais recentes

Morais, Henrique (2022, forthcoming), “Secular Stagnation and the World Leadership – China´s rising path” in Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: the role of the Belt and Road Initiative. Palgrave.

Morais, Henrique (2022), “Impactos Económicos da Pandemia do COVID-19” in Anuário Janus 2022. Lisboa, OBSERVARE-UAL: pp.10-13. Url: https://repositorio.ual.pt/bitstream/11144/5513/3/Janus%202022%201.1%20Henrique%20Morais.pdf

Morais, Henrique (2021), A Estagnação Secular e os seus Efeitos nas Estruturas de Poder Global. Tese de Doutoramento em Relações Internacionais: Geopolítica e Geoeconomia. Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, http://hdl.handle.net/11144/5194

Morais, Henrique (2019), “A Diplomacia Económica revisitada a partir das novas vagas tecnológicas” in L. Moita, L. Valença Pinto e P. Pereira (Coord.), Estudo da Estrutura Diplomática Portuguesa. Lisboa, OBSERVARE-UAL: pp. 113-121. Disponível em https://observare.autonoma.pt/images/stories/obras_publicadas/estudo-da-estrutura-diplomatica-portuguesa.pdf

Morais, Henrique (2018), “Estagnação secular: do debate de sábios a uma realidade mais do que provável?” in Anuário Janus 2017. OBSERVARE-UAL, pp. 58-59.

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