Fernando Jorge Cardoso

PhD Researcher

Visiting Full Professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa-Department of International Relations and researcher at OBSERVARE. Associate researcher of the International Studies Centre of ISCTE-IUL.

He coordinates Strategic and Development Studies at the Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr and is Executive Director of the Lisbon Club. He has over a hundred publications in scientific journals, books and chapters in books and newspapers, on development, African issues, and international relations. In Mozambique he was director of the Faculty of Economics of the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (1978-1983), adviser to the Minister of Planning (1977-1983) and director-general of the Maragra sugar company (1983-1985). In Portugal, he has carried out research, training and management functions in various universities (1991-2021) and was coordinator of the Africa Programme at IEEI – Instituto de Estudos Estratégicos e Internacionais (1991-2012). As a consultant, he has designed and evaluated several cooperation programmes in Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde and the PALOP Group, for Portuguese and European entities. His focus of study in recent years has been geo-economics and geopolitics, with particular emphasis on Africa. He is an occasional commentator on African and international issues on television, radio and in the written press.

He graduated in economics (1976) from the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) of Mozambique and has a PhD in economics (1991) with aggregation (2006) from the Higher Institute of Economics and Management of the Universidade de Lisboa.

Publicações mais recentes

2022: Gerar Energia para o Mundo e Preservar o Planeta (Coordenação), Cor de Laranja, Lisboa, no prelo – informação sobre a futura publicação em https://www.clubelisboa.pt/conferencias/gerar-energia-para-o-mundo-e-preservar-o-planeta/

2022: Pandemics, Vaccination and Solidarity, implications in fragile countries, (Coordenação), Cor de Laranja, Lisboa, no prelo – edição resumida em https://www.imvf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/2021-ii-conference-on-state-fragility.pdf

2022: “A natureza da guerra em Cabo Delgado” in Anuário Janus 2022. Lisboa, OBSERVARE-UAL, pp. 54-55, https://repositorio.ual.pt/bitstream/11144/5531/3/Janus%202022%201.18%20Fernando%20Jorge%20Cardoso.pdf

2022: “Revisão da estratégia de Defesa Nacional: enquadramentos geopolíticos” in Anuário Janus 2022. Lisboa, OBSERVARE-UAL, pp. 120-121, https://repositorio.ual.pt/bitstream/11144/5553/3/Janus%202022%202.4%20Fernando%20Jorge%20Cardoso%20-%20CEDN.pdf

2021: O Oceano que Pertence a Todos, (Coordenação), A Cor de laranja, fevereiro, /ISBN 978-989-53057-1-1, Lisboa, 156 pp – também em https://www.clubelisboa.pt/fileadmin/Publicacoes/O_Oceano_que_pertence_a_todos___The_Ocean_that_belongs_to_all.pdf

2021: A aceleração das mudanças globais – e os impactos da pandemia,(Coordenação), Imprensa Municipal da CML, ISBN 978-989-53057-0-4, Lisboa, 218 pp. também em https://www.clubelisboa.pt/fileadmin/Conferencias/4conferencia/Livro_4a_ConfLX/4Conferencias_Lisboa.pdf

2021: Cabo Delgado: insurgentes, jihadistas ou terroristas?, IMVF Policy Paper 9, Lisboa, 22 pp. In https://www.imvf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/imvf-policy-paper-9-2021-cabo-delgado-insurgents-jihadists-or-terrorists.pdf

2021: “Contextos geopolíticos de moçambique até ao fim da guerra fria”, Anuário Janus, número 20, Observare, Lisboa

OBSERVARE. 2021. All rights reserved​.

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