Fernando Jorge Cardoso

PhD Researcher

Invited Full Professor at Autónoma University of Lisbon – Department of International Relations, Deputy Director of OBSERVARE and Editor-in-Chief of the Janus Yearbook. Researcher at the Centre for International Studies at ISCTE-IUL. He has a degree in Economics (1976) from the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) in Maputo, a PhD in Economics (1991) with Public Habilitations (2006) from ISEG at the University of Lisbon. He has more than a hundred publications on development, geo-economics and security, with a focus on Africa. In Mozambique, he was Dean of the School of Economics at UEM (1978-1983), advisor to the Minister of Planning (1977-1983) and Executive Chairman of the Maragra sugar company (1983-1985). In Portugal, he worked in research, training and management at various universities (1991-2021), coordinated the Africa area of the Institute for Strategic and International Studies (1991-2012) and the Strategic and Development Studies area of the Marquês de Valle Flôr Institute (2012-2021). As a consultant, he has prepared and evaluated cooperation programmes in Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde and the PALOP group. He is co-founder and executive director of the Lisbon Club and collaborates regularly with the National Defence Institute and the Institute of Military Studies.

Publicações mais recentes

2022: Gerar Energia para o Mundo e Preservar o Planeta (Coordenação), Cor de Laranja, Lisboa, no prelo – informação sobre a futura publicação em https://www.clubelisboa.pt/conferencias/gerar-energia-para-o-mundo-e-preservar-o-planeta/

2022: Pandemics, Vaccination and Solidarity, implications in fragile countries, (Coordenação), Cor de Laranja, Lisboa, no prelo – edição resumida em https://www.imvf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/2021-ii-conference-on-state-fragility.pdf

2022: “A natureza da guerra em Cabo Delgado” in Anuário Janus 2022. Lisboa, OBSERVARE-UAL, pp. 54-55, https://repositorio.ual.pt/bitstream/11144/5531/3/Janus%202022%201.18%20Fernando%20Jorge%20Cardoso.pdf

2022: “Revisão da estratégia de Defesa Nacional: enquadramentos geopolíticos” in Anuário Janus 2022. Lisboa, OBSERVARE-UAL, pp. 120-121, https://repositorio.ual.pt/bitstream/11144/5553/3/Janus%202022%202.4%20Fernando%20Jorge%20Cardoso%20-%20CEDN.pdf

2021: O Oceano que Pertence a Todos, (Coordenação), A Cor de laranja, fevereiro, /ISBN 978-989-53057-1-1, Lisboa, 156 pp – também em https://www.clubelisboa.pt/fileadmin/Publicacoes/O_Oceano_que_pertence_a_todos___The_Ocean_that_belongs_to_all.pdf

2021: A aceleração das mudanças globais – e os impactos da pandemia,(Coordenação), Imprensa Municipal da CML, ISBN 978-989-53057-0-4, Lisboa, 218 pp. também em https://www.clubelisboa.pt/fileadmin/Conferencias/4conferencia/Livro_4a_ConfLX/4Conferencias_Lisboa.pdf

2021: Cabo Delgado: insurgentes, jihadistas ou terroristas?, IMVF Policy Paper 9, Lisboa, 22 pp. In https://www.imvf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/imvf-policy-paper-9-2021-cabo-delgado-insurgents-jihadists-or-terrorists.pdf

2021: “Contextos geopolíticos de moçambique até ao fim da guerra fria”, Anuário Janus, número 20, Observare, Lisboa

OBSERVARE. 2021. All rights reserved​.

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