Daniel Cardoso

PhD Researcher

Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations at the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL), where he coordinates the BA program in International Relations. Integrated researcher at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI-NOVA) and researcher at OBSERVARE – Foreign Relations Observatory at UAL.

He was a postdoctoral researcher at IPRI-NOVA (2016-2019), Visiting Assistant Professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2018-2019) and at Universidade de Coimbra (2018-2020) and Visiting Researcher at Fudan University, Shanghai (2011-2012). His research interests centre on networked and multi-level international governance and foreign policy-making in Brazil, China and the European Union. His research has been published in various scientific journals such as Third World Quarterly, South European Society and Politics, Contexto Internacional and East Asia Journal.

PhD in Political Science and International Relations from the Free University of Berlin, and Master in International Relations from the University of Coimbra.

Publicações mais recentes

Cardoso, Daniel (2024), “Competição pela liderança global da economia verde: o caso dos veículos elétricos” in Anuário Janus 2024, url: https://observare.autonoma.pt/anuario/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2025/01/Janus-2024-%E2%80%93-Daniel-Cardoso.pdf

Cardoso, Daniel (2023), “’So much sea’: opportunities and challenges in Portugal-Brazil maritime cooperation”, in Paulo Duarte, Rui Albuquerque e António Tavares (eds.), Portugal in the Lusophone World: Law and Geopolitics. Palgrave,  pp. 197-217

Mendes, Carmen Amado e Cardoso, Daniel (eds.) (2022), Narratives and Perceptions: Chinese Soft Power in the 21st Century. Lisboa: CCCM. https://www.cccm.gov.pt/produto/narratives-and-perceptions-chinese-soft-power-in-the-21st-century/

Cardoso, Daniel (2022), “As organizações internacionais e o multilateralismo: vetores estratégicos da inserção externa portuguesa” in Anuário Janus 2022. Lisboa, OBSERVARE-UAL: pp. 150-151. Url: https://repositorio.ual.pt/bitstream/11144/5564/3/Janus%202022%202.15%20Daniel%20Cardoso.pdf

Moury, Catherine; Ladi, Stella; Cardoso, Daniel; and Gago, Angie (2021), Capitalising on Constraint: Bailout politics in Eurozone countries. Manchester: Manchester University Press. –  https://manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/9781526149886/

Cardoso, Daniel (2021), “Política externa do governo Bolsonaro: continuidade e ruptura”, Anuário Janus. Lisboa: Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, número 20. https://repositorio.ual.pt/handle/11144/4919

Cardoso, Daniel; Moury, Catherine; Costa, Ana Paula e Escada, Mafalda (2021), Governar para as próximas gerações: sucessos e fracassos das políticas de longo-prazo em Portugal (1995-2019). Coimbra: Almedina. https://www.almedina.net/governar-para-as-proximas-geracoes-sucessos-e-fracassos-de-politicas-de-longo-prazo-em-portugal-1995-2019-1633000313.html

Cardoso, Daniel (2020), “From Centralisation to Fragmentation and Back Again: the Role of Non-State Actors in Brazil’s Transformed Foreign Policy”, in Shahar Hameiri, Lee Jones e John Heathershaw (eds.), Rising Powers and State Transformation. Oxfordshire: Routledge.  https://www.routledge.com/Rising-Powers-and-State-Transformation-1st-Edition/Hameiri-Jones-Heathershaw/p/book/9780367895877


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