Daniel Pommier Vincelli

Investigador Doutorado

Daniel Pommier Vincelli (1975) is teaching assistant (ricercatore universitario) in Political Sociology at Sapienza University of Rome, where he teaches Political Development and Democratic Transition at the Master Degree in Cooperation and Development.

He obtained his PhD degree in International Relations at Sapienza University of Rome, where he is member of both the department of Social research and Communication and the Research Center “Cooperation with Eurasia, Mediterranean area and Sub-Saharan Africa” (CEMAS).

Prof. Daniel Pommier is Executive Director of the center for Azerbaijani and Caucasian Studies at Sapienza University; member of the Association for Studies of Nationalities; member of the Italian Sociological Association, belonging to the sections “political sociology” and “sociology of law”; and since 2008 he regularly attends the ASN world convention at Columbia University.

He has been visiting student at the Paul Nitze School for Advanced and International Studies (DC, USA), Postdoctorate fellow NATO-at the university of Babes Bolyai (Romania), postdoctorate fellow at the Italian National Council for Research, visiting professor at the Baku State University (Azerbaijan).

He has been professor (temporarly engaged) of history of international relations at Sapienza University and Macerata University. He teaches at the PhD course in history of Europe at Sapienza University and the Master degree in “international cooperation, finance and development” at Unitelma university.

Prof. Daniel Pommier was appointed political advisor of the ministry for public administration from 2014 to 2018.

His fields of research include Post-soviet studies, history of international relations in XX century, transition studies, Caucasian history and politics, government and public administration in comparative way.

Among his most recent publications: “L’azione internazionale della repubblica democratica dell’Azerbaigian alla conferenza di Versailles. Un’interpretazione storico-sociologica” in Annali La Malfa, (2017). “Assetti di potere nella Transcaucasia Post-sovietica” in Il Caucaso meridionale. Processi politici e attori di un’area strategica (Aracne, 2016), The Caucasian Front and Azerbaijan during First World War (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015), The Challenges of a Post Colonial Nation: Azerbaijani Democratic Republic (1918-1920) (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014), L’Azerbaigian nei documenti diplomatici italiani (1919-1920) (Nuova Cultura, 2013), Azerbaigian. Una lunga storia (Passigli, 2012). Other than academic appointments he worked as consultant for the Italian Senate and Chamber of Deputies since 2004.

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