15 March 2021– 6.30 pm – ONLINE.
We invite you to attend the WEBINAR – Women in Society: Paths and Difficulties, organised by NARI – Núcleo de Alunos de Relações Internacionais da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (International Relations Students’ Group of the Autonomous University of Lisbon) and within the celebrations of the International Women’s Day.
This digital seminar counts with special guests, to show you the role that women increasingly represent in society, as well as share experiences about the path of each one of them.
A panel of inspiring women, who believe in their skills and fight to make their dreams come true!
With pride, we count on the presence of the Administrator of the Ensinus Group, Dra. Teresa do Rosário Damásio.
Save the date!
Watch live on Zoom here: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/83080208672?pwd=K3N2RXllY1UxVFFlbGZyNEczRkpXQT09
Meeting ID: 830 8020 8672
Access Password: 885523