Sandra Ribeiro
This research group is based on the close articulation between economic issues and the analysis of international realities.
Seeking to deepen interdisciplinary knowledge, its main objectives are the study of the process of internationalisation of economies, their interdependence and their various impacts and challenges, with emphasis, naturally, on those dimensions of the Portuguese and European economies; as well as the study of the political and economic importance of some strategic resources on the international scene.
We intend to produce and share innovative and relevant scientific research, in the areas of Geoeconomics and Resources, within the scope of the different economic, social and environmental challenges.
The vast majority of projects and activities are developed with partner institutions, both Portuguese and foreign.
Responses to Climate Change: Improuving Quality of live (QoL) over time in Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe
Brígida Brito.Partnership with the University of Cape Verde and MAR, the NGO of São-Tomé and Príncipe “Mar Ambiente e Pesca Artesanal” (MARAPA).
Project submitted to the 2nd joint FCT and Aga Khan Development Network project competition.
Economic Transatlantic Relations within the context of the diminishing centrality of the Atlantic
Coord. Giuseppe Ammendola.
– AMMENDOLA, G., Brexit, The European Union, and Globalization – Political and Economic Perspectives. Lisboa: OBSERVARE, 2019.
Economic Transatlantic Relations within the context of the diminishing centrality of the Atlantic
Coord. Renato Pereira.
Sustainability and the new paradigms of International Economy
Coord. Sandra Ribeiro.
The new financial context: Fintech and Cryptomoedas
Coord. Luís Miguel Gonçalves and María del Mar Miralles Quirós. In partnership with Universidad de Extremadura – Spain.
Ecological European Networks and Portuguese Protected Areas – Impact evaluation
Coord. Brígida Brito.
The presence of Multilatinas in Portugal: History and Business Strategy
Coord. Nancy Gomes and Filipe Vasconcelos Romão.
China-Latin America: economic and trade relations
Emerging Economies and Energy Resources
Drug economy and transnational financial crime
European Economy and Transatlantic Relations: innovation, trade and entrepreneurial
Production and distribution companies as instruments of state power: the cases of GALP in Portugal, Petrobras in Brazil, YPF in Argentina and Sonangol in Angola
Internationalization of the Portuguese Economy
The European Economy in the framework of the World Economy
Power and Energy Resources
Sandra Ribeiro (Coord.)
Amparo Sereno
Amadeu Paiva
Ana Quaresma
Anilza Tricamegy
Brígida Brito
Duarcides Mariosa
Filipa Gomes
Giuseppe Ammendola
Gustavo Furini
Henrique Morais
José Beato Aleixo
José Brás dos Santos
Leonel Miranda
Luis Miguel Gonçalves
Manuel Farto
Maria Helena Curto
Mateus Kowalsky
Miguel Santos Neves
Mattia G. Barbera
Patrícia Galvão Teles
Pedro Pinto
Redendo Carlos Maia
Renato Pereira
René Tapia
Rui Paiva