JANUS.NET, e-journal of international relations – NEW ISSUE
VOL 14 Nº 2 of JANUS.NET, e-journal of international relations, is now available. This issue presents great diversity in both the themes analysed and the case studies. It brings together 18 articles, 3 notes and 1 critical review, written by 39 authors from 10 countries in China (Colombia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria, Portugal, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine), highlighting the internationalisation dimension of the texts. The topics covered in the Articles section highlight relevant current international issues, such as the New World Order, the different perspectives on war and, consequently, security, the growing interest in the Arctic routes, cooperation and diplomacy, the mobility of people and international protection, entrepreneurship and the climate crisis. The Notes section presents three reflections on cryptocurrencies, including the legal dimension, and the issue of security associated with climate change. The issue ends with a review of the book “Cold War 2.0” by Mariano Aguirre.
Available at https://janusonline.autonoma.pt/en/.