Vitor Tomé

PhD Researcher

International expert on Digital Citizenship Education (Council of Europe), member of the EU Expert Group on Tackling Disinformation through education and training (European Commission), invited researcher at CIES-ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon (Media Literacy and Journalism), lecturer at Autonoma University of Lisbon (Communication Sciences), teacher trainer (Portuguese Ministry of Education), trainer of trainers (CENJOR) and professional journalist (CP1524). Concluded a degree in Education, post-graduations in ICT and in Journalism, a PhD in Education (Media Literacy), and a 6-year post-doctorate in Communication Sciences.
Ongoing international projects:
– Media Information Literacy – Community Connections (funded by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, through EMIFund, 2024-2026) – project coordinator
– IBERIFIER Plus – Iberian Digital Media Observatory (funded by European Commission, 2024-2026) – invited researcher
– Redressing Radical Polarisation: Strengthening European Civil Spheres facing Illiberal Digital Media (DepolarisingEU), (funded by European Commission, 2024-28, COST Action, CA22165) – researcher
– ALGOWATCH – Developing algorithm literacy for all, to fight disinformation and foster e-inclusion with quality information for knowledge-based democratic societies (funded by European Commission, 2023-2025) – national coordinator
–  “Luso-American Initiative for policymakers and their staff to counter disinformation through Media Literacy workshops” (LAI) (funded by US State Department, 2023-25) – coordinator
– “MEdia LIteracy for SEnior European citizens” (MELISE) – (funded by European Commission, 2023-2025) – researcher
– Digital Citizenship Education (Council of Europe, 2016-…) – researcher


Publicações mais recentes

Tomé, V. (2024, no prelo). A nova comunicação na formação de professores em literacia dos media, num contexto marcado pela desinformação e pela inteligência artificial generativa. In Gustavo Cardoso (Ed.), A Nova Comunicação (pp. 447-458) Coimbra: Almedina. 978-989-40-2280-0
Tomé, V., Sikharulidze, M., Urchukhishvili, G. & Lobzhanidze, S. (2024). Digital Citizenship Education: perceptions on the concept, self-reported competences and practices of Georgian School Society. The Journal of Media Literacy Education, Vol 16, 2.
Sádaba, C. & Tomé, V. (Eds.) (2024). Uses of Media Literacy to tackle disinformation: the multiple roles of different stakeholders. Observatorio, 18, 1.
Foà, C., Tomé, V., Margato, D., Paisana, M., Crespo, M., & Cardoso, G. (2023). Roles of journalists in media literacy initiatives: trainees and trainers. Continuity, collaboration, and sustainability of media literacy trainings to mitigate disinformation in Portugal. Profesional De La información Information Professional, 32(6).
Tomé, V. & de Abreu, B. (2023). Empowering Communities with Media Literacy: The Critical Role of Young Children. Peter Lang: New York.
Tomé, V., Branco, S., Nery, I. & Crespo, M. (2023). Portuguese Journalists training teachers in the new media education landscape during COVID-19. In Friesem, Y., Raman, U., Kanižaj, I., & Choi, G.Y. (Eds). The Routledge handbook on media education futures post pandemic (pp. 216.225). New York: Routledge.

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Research unit evaluated by FCT through the project UID/CPO/04155/2019. This website was restructured through financing by national funds from FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the Project - Refª UID/CPO/04155/2019