Tiago Vasconcelos


Tiago Vasconcelos, PhD Social Sciences/Strategic Studies, is currently invited professor at the Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP) of the University of Lisbon, where he teaches Strategy since 2019 and, more recently, Geopolitics and Geostrategy. His last big work, the doctoral thesis, is The Construction of the Strategic Culture of the European Union: Threats to Security and Strategic Autonomy (A Construção da Cultura Estratégica da UE: Ameaças à Segurança e Autonomia Estratégica Tese – Tiago Vasconcelos.pdf (utl.pt)). He is also a researcher at Instituto do Oriente/ISCSP (Orient Institute/ISCSP).

A semi-retired Army major-general, rank he was promoted to in 2010, Tiago Vasconcelos was since assigned the following positions: commander, Operational Command of Madeira (2010/2012); director, Directorate of Human Resources Administration of the Army Personnel Command (2012/2013); deputy commander, HQ NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Spain (2013/2016); chief Strategic Plans (currently designated chief of the joint staff) at the General Staff (2017); Inspector-General of the Army (2018); military advisor to the Prime Minister (2018/2023); and chief of the cabinet of the Prime Minister (2023/2024). Earlier in his career he had been assistant and advisor to the Governor of Macau during the last three and a half years of the Portuguese administration of that Chinese territory (1996/1999), where he developed an interest in Asian, Pacific and Chinese affairs, having published a book and several articles on the rise of China.

Publicações mais recentes

Vasconcelos, Tiago (2024), “A terceira guerra mundial já começou: é uma guerra híbrida sob ameaça nuclear” in Anuário Janus 2024, url: https://observare.autonoma.pt/anuario/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2025/01/Janus-2024-%E2%80%93-Tiago-Vasconcelos.pdf

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