Luis Tomé

Director | PhD Researcher

Full Professor at Autónoma University of Lisbon, where he is Director of the International Relations Department and of the research unit OBSERVARE-Observatory of Foreign Relations. Senior Researcher at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI).

Visiting Professor at La Sapienza Universitá di Roma – Italy, the Middle East Technical University (METU) of Ankara-Turkey and the Portuguese National Defense Institute (IDN), Military University Institute (IUM) and Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security (ISCPSI).

He was Special Adviser for International Relations and Counter-Terrorism in the Office of the Minister of Home Affairs (Nov. 2015 – Oct. 2017); Advisor to the Vice-President of the European Parliament (1999-2004); and NATO-EAPC Researcher for two years, authoring the report “Russia and NATO’s Enlargement” (2000).

Researcher in the areas of International Relations, Geopolitics and Security Studies specialising in the Euro-Atlantic, Eurasian and Asia-Pacific regions, he is the author and co-author of more than a dozen books and numerous essays and articles published in specialist journals. He has been a guest speaker at high-level conferences and collaborates regularly with various media outlets, analysing and commenting on international political and security issues.

Professor Luis Tomé has a degree in International Relations from the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL), a Masters in Strategy from the Institute of Social and Political Sciences of Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) and a PhD in International Relations from Universidade de Coimbra (FEUC).

Publicações mais recentes

TOMÉ, Luis (2024), “A retórica da China de Xi propondo uma ordem mundial alternativa” in R:I Relações Internacionais, 83, Dezembro 2024: pp. 71-86. DOI:

Tomé, Luis (2024), “Trump 2, China e Ásia/Indo-Pacífico: Continuidades e Descontinuidades” in IDN Brief – O efeito Trump 2.0, Dezembro 2024: pp. 5-7. Url:

TOMÉ, Luis (2024), “Lone-actor terrorism is not “alone”: social network, collective dynamics, clusters or waves, and online communities” in #ReaCT 2024-Report on Terrorism and Radicalization in Europe, nº 5, Year 5. REACT- Osservatorio sul Radicalismo I el Contrasto al Terrorismo, STRAT InSight, ISBN: 9788832294279,  ISSN 2813-1037 (print) ISSN 2813-1045 (online): pp. 33-39 (italian version) and 114-120 (english version). Url:

ERÇETIN, Şefika Şule;  AÇIKALIN, Şuay Nilhan and TOMÉ, Luis (Eds) (2024), Chaos, Complexity, and Leadership 2023. Springer, August 2024. ISBN: 978-3-031-64264-7; eBook ISBN: 978-3-031-64265-4; DOI:

TOMÉ, Luis (2024), “(Des)Ordem Mundial com características Chinesas – um Mundo Seguro para a Autocracia” in Nação e Defesa nº 166 – China 2049: pp. 83-116. Url:

TOMÉ, Luis (2024), “Aprofundamento da Coordenação Estratégica China-Rússia” in Anuário Janus 2023, OBSERVARE-UAL: pp. 94-95. Url.

TOMÉ, Luis (2023), “2023: da Ucrânia a Gaza. Guerras e Competição Geopolítica na expansão dos ‘círculos de amigos’” in Especial 2023 – Anuário do Correio da Manhã, suplemento à edição de 31.12.2023: pp. 71-74.

TOMÉ, Luis (2023), “A NATO como Comunidade de Valores e o seu novo papel político” in A. I. Xavier e J. M. Correia (Coords), A NATO e as relações transatlânticas – de Madrid a Vilnius. Lisboa, Editora da Universidade Lusíada e Comissão Português do Atlântico: pp. 147-156. DOI:

TOMÉ, Luis (2023), “NATO, the Southern Flank and the Global South” in Atlantisch Perspectief nº 3-2023, volume 47, ISSN 0167-1847: pp. 14-18. url:

TOMÉ, Luis (2023), “O Imperativo da Segurança Comum num Sistema de Segurança Competitivo” in Em torno do Pensamento de Luís Moita. Humanismo e Relações Internacionais. Lisboa, OBSERVARE-UAL: pp. 261-272. DOI:

TOMÉ, Luis (2023), “As diferentes formas de construir o ‘socialismo com características chinesas’ – de Deng a Xi” in Chibérica – Visões Ibéricas da China Contemporânea (edições em português e espanhol). Madrid, Editorial Popular: pp. 43-66. Disponível em

TOMÉ, Luis (2023), “The imperative of Common Security in a competitive international security system” in Friedrich Ebert Stiftung’s Latin American Network for Inclusive Security, Newsletter nº 12, March 2023. English version, url:; Spanish version, url:

TOMÉ, Luis (2023), “A Guerra na Ucrânia dividiu o Mundo, mas não exatamente entre Democracias e Autocracias” in IDN Brief – Ucrânia Um Ano Depois, 24 fevereiro 2023: pp. 9-11. Url:

TOMÉ, Luis (2023), “The BRI in Xi’s China ´Grand Strategy’: an instrument to restore Chinese centrality in a New Era” in The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics. The case of the Belt and Road Initiative. Palgrave: pp. 67-90. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-6700-9_5; url:

TOMÉ, Luis (2023), “A NSS de Biden: mesmas prioridades, com mais China do que Indo-Pacífico” in IDN Brief – Estratégia de Segurança Nacional dos Estados Unidos, janeiro 2023, pp. 6-7. Url:

TOMÉ, Luis (2022), “NATO as a community of values and its new political role” in Atlantisch Perspectief, issue 4-2022, Vol 46 – special edition: NATO’s new Strategic Concept: pp. 24-29. ISSN-nr.: 0167-1847. url:; complete edition:

TOMÉ, Luis (2022), “Chapter II. NATO – the urgent need of Adaptation (again) in a Changing World: Revitalization of Political Dimension, Southern Flank and China factor” in O. Tufeki and R. Dag (Eds), Trends and Transformation in World Politics. London, Lexington Books: pp. 47-80. Url:

TOMÉ, Luis (2022), “European Union-India Relations under pressure from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine” in Atlantisch Perspectief, issue nº 2 / 2022the Netherlands Atlantic Association: pp. 26-31. Url:

TOMÉ, Luis (2021), “The grand strategy of Xi Jinping’s China: goals, Comprehensive national power and policies” in R:I Relações Internacionais, special issue «Chinese expansion: a considerable dilemma», 2021, pp. 105-132. ; url:

Tomé, Luis (2021). “Construction and deconstruction of the Liberal International Order” in, e-journal of international relations. Thematic dossier, December 2021, pp. 87-118. ; url:

OBSERVARE. 2021. All rights reserved​.

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