Assistant Professor in Political science at Link Campus University of Rome, where he teaches Political Science and Diplomacy and is member of the Research Center “Link Lab”. He obtained his PhD degree in “History and Formation of Political Processes in the Contemporary Age” at Sapienza University of Rome, where he is Adjunct professor of International politics and member of the Research Center “Cooperation with Eurasia, Mediterranean area and Sub-Saharan Africa (CEMAS)”. He is Adjunct professor of International Organization for the Master of the Istituto Superiore di Stato Maggiore Interforze (ISSMI) of Centro Alti Studi della Difesa of the Italian Ministry of Defense. He is coordinator of the website ( His field of research includes Post-soviet studies, international relations theory and processes of democratization.
He is research member of Prin 2015 “Media e terrorismi. L’impatto della comunicazione e delle reti digitali sull’insicurezza percepita”, coordinated by Prof. Mario Morcellini (“Sapienza” University of Rome). He participated to the following research groups: 1) “Consequences of Democratization” of the project “The economic, social and political consequences of democratic reforms. A quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis (COD)” (7th Framework Programme of the EU) and coordinated by Prof. Giovanni Carbone (University of Milan); 2) Prin 2009 “Sistemi elettorali, partiti e personale politico in Italia. 1987-2008”, coordinated by Prof. Oreste Massari (“Sapienza” University of Rome); 3) Prin 2007 “Imperi e nazioni in Europa dal XVIII al XX secolo”, coordinated by Prof. Antonello Folco Biagini (“Sapienza” University of Rome).
He is fellow member of the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP), of the Standing Group of International Relations of the Italian Society of Political Science, of the Standing Group of Presidential Politics of European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) and of Italian Association of Studies on Central Asia and Caucasus.
He was Adjunct professor of History of International Development at Sapienza University of Rome (2010-2014), of Political Sociology at Unicusano University (2009-2013) and of Geopolitics at the University of International Studies of Rome (2006-2009). He was Visiting professor at Villanueva Centro Universitario-Universidad Complutense Madrid (2017), Universitat de Barcelona (2016), the ADA University of Baku (2015), at the Baku State University (2012) and at the State Archives of Albania (2009).
Among his publications: Il Caucaso meridionale. Processi politici e attori di un’area strategica (Aracne, 2016), Pathways of democratisation to human development in post-communist countries (con A. Cassani & F. Luppi, European Journal of Political Research, 2016), The Great War within the Neorealist Theory of International Relations (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015), Sovranità sfidata e ambiente internazionale: Le transizioni non democratiche nel Caucaso (1991- 2003) (Il Politico, 2014), Rileggere Ferrero nella prospettiva delle Relazioni internazionali (Aracne, 2013), Azerbaigian. Una lunga storia (Passigli, 2012), La politica del Giappone tra shock internazionali e comunicazione di potenza, (Nuova Cultura, 2012).