Professor (2015-) and Coordinator (2019-) of both the Graduation in International Relations and the Specialization in Diplomacy and International Relations (2016-) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Collaborating professor of the Post-Graduate Program (Masters) in Political Science at UFG.
Post-doctorate (2018) as Visiting Fellow at Cambridge University (UK) and as Visiting Scholar at Humboldt University Berlin (Germany). PhD (2015) in International Strategic Studies from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Bachelor (2007) and Master (2010) in International Relations from the University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil.
He has accumulated experience as a professor of higher education since 2010, as well as some years coordinating undergraduate and graduate courses lato sensu and institutional research and social projects with a team of researchers and monitors.
Member of the research groups Núcleo de Estudos Globais da UFG.
Author of the theory that identifies, assesses and compares the power of countries over the process of globalization. It studies in particular how China has transformed the process, bearing in mind economic, environmental, military, cultural and social dimensions. Research interests: emerging countries, globalization, International Relations Theory and integration and security in South America.