Ana Isabel Xavier

PhD Researcher

Associate Professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL) and Guest Professor at ISCTE-IUL. Researcher at OBSERVARE – Foreign Affairs Observatory of UAL and Associated Researcher of the International Studies Centre (CEI-IUL) and CISDI-UM – Security and Defence Research Centre of the Military University Institute.

Member of the Board of the Portuguese Atlantic Commission since October 2020. Auditor of the National Defence Course in 2011/2012, she was, from 2014 to 2016, President of the Board of the Association of Auditors of the National Defence Courses (AACDN). Auditor of the Defence Course for Young People in 2004, at the Alfeite Naval Base, she was President of the Board of DECIDE – Association of Young Auditors for Defence, Security and Citizenship between 2009 and 2013.

She was a trainer for the European Commission’s Team Europa network of Portuguese trainers from 2007 to 2016. Since 2015, she is a regular trainer of the European Security and Defence College courses CSDP Training for Eastern Partnership Countries and CSDP Reflection Seminar.

From March 2015 to February 2017, she served as Deputy Director General of National Defence Policy at the Directorate General of National Defence Policy, and was awarded the Cruz del Mérito Aeronáutico con Distintibo Blanco by the Government of Spain (August 2016) and the Medal of First Class National Defence by the Government of Portugal (December 2017).

She is an RTP commentator for international affairs, with a weekly item on Europe every Saturday on Jornal 2, on RTP2.

She holds a PhD in International Relations from the Faculty of Economics at the Universidade de Coimbra (specialisation in European Studies), with a thesis entitled “The European Union and Human Security: a crisis management actor in search of a strategic culture? Analysis and prospective considerations.” (2011). She holds a Master’s degree in Sociology of Development and Social Transformation (2006) and a degree in International Relations (2003) from the same Faculty. She has a post-graduate degree (2005) in Human Rights and Democratisation from the Faculty of Law of the Universidade de Coimbra.

Publicações mais recentes

Xavier, Ana Isabel (2022), “De que vale pensar no amanhã que temos…!?”, in Anuário Janus 2022. Lisboa, OBSERVARE-UAL: pp. 152-153.

Xavier, Ana Isabel (2021), “Brexit: the final countdown? “,in Janus 2020-2021 – Conjuntura internacional: Relações Internacionais em contexto de pandemia (n.º 20), Pp. 20-21, Observare e CEI

Xavier, Ana Isabel (2021), “Próxima paragem? Britain’s got talent “,in Janus 2020-2021 – Conjuntura internacional: Relações Internacionais em contexto de pandemia (n.º 20), Pp. 22-23, Observare e CEI

Xavier, Ana Isabel (2021), “A União Europeia e a resposta ao COVID 19: coordenação e resiliência “,in Janus 2020-2021 – Conjuntura internacional: Relações Internacionais em contexto de pandemia (n.º 20), Pp. 82-83, Observare e CEI

Xavier, Ana Isabel (2019), “PESCO: como fazer mais e melhor, mas cada um por si?” In Brandão, Ana Paula; Camisão, Isabel (coords.), O Estado da União Europeia: Da(s) Crise(s) à Mudança? Editora Petrony. Pp. 143-154. ISBN 978-972-685-288-9

Xavier, Ana Isabel (2019), “Desarmar, Desmobilizar, Reintegrar? Desafios e perspetivas futuras da ameaça Jihadista na União Europeia” In Reinaldo, Hermenegildo (ed.), Segurança Interna no séc. XXI: território e população, Editora Fronteira do Caos. Pp. 113-131

Xavier, Ana Isabel (2019), “The European Union as a leading environmental player? A critical analysis on the policy and commitments towards global development and climate change”, in Sequeira, Tiago and Reis, Liliana (eds.), Climate change and global development – Market, global players and empirical evidence. Springer, Pp. 135-151

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