The open classes cycle is part of the Advanced Course in Studies on Eurasia, promoted, in partnership, by the International Relations Department of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL) and the National Defence Institute (IDN).
Gathering a renowned group of specialists, this course has the following objectives:
a) To provide information and reflection on the historical evolution and current dynamics, in the vast area from Eastern Europe to Central Asia, namely in the Post-Soviet Space
b) Understand the potential and risk factors in Eurasia and characterize the political, economic and socio-cultural situation of peoples and countries in the region, as well as the interests and strategies of the most relevant resident actors, with emphasis on Russia
c) Promote in-depth analysis of the vectors, which influence competitive and cooperative behaviors and interactions in Eurasia, in particular, involving Russia, EU, USA, NATO, Turkey and China.
Coordination and moderation: Ana Isabel Xavier
/ 1.30 pm /
As relações entre a Alemanha e a Rússia no contexto euroasiático
Patrícia Daehnhardt, IDN and IPRI-NOVA
// JUNE 21 //
/ 1.30 pm /
Política externa russa: revisionismo, assertividade e militarização
Maria Raquel Freire, FEUC-CES
// JUNE 14 //
/ 1.30 pm /
Second Karabakh conflict: a local war turned global
Daniel Pommier, Sapienza
/ 3 pm /
Influence of the international order on domestic regimes
Gabriele Natalizia, Sapienza
// JUNE 7 //
/ 1.30 pm /
A previsibilidade da Rússia de Putin
Sónia Sénica, IPRI
/ 3 pm /
Black Sea region and Crimea
Hanna Schelest, Ukraine Analytica
// MAY 31 //
/ 1.30 pm /
A Eurásia no pensamento geopolítico russo
Sandra Fernandes, UMinho-CICP
// MAY 24 //
/ 3 pm /
A diplomacia das vacinas na estratégia global da Rússia: Política pós-soviética e novas esferas de influência
Marcos Farias Ferreira, ISCSP
// MAY 3 //
/ 3 pm /
Dilemas da NATO e da UE face à Rússia de Putin