Deadline para submissão de propostas ATÉ 1 de Abril 2025. Informações e submissões em Here are the links for CESRAN2025 social media accounts: X: Facebook:...

Deadline para submissão de propostas ATÉ 1 de Abril 2025. Informações e submissões em Here are the links for CESRAN2025 social media accounts: X: Facebook:...
The Luís Moita Chair: Humanism and International Relations is a space for sharing, teaching and learning. But above all, it is a space for reflection on various themes that link the humanist approach with International Relations. It is also a meeting place that brings...
The Janus Yearbook has been published since 1996-97 by OBSERVARE - the Foreign Relations Observatory of the Autonomous University of Lisbon. From the 2024 edition onwards, it will have the permanent collaboration of the Lisbon Club. Read the new articles here:...
JANUS.NET, e-journal of international relations – NEW NUMBER The VOL15 No. 2 offers an eclectic and multi-thematic reading with texts that address both theoretical and framework issues, as well as case studies. The analyses presented are geared towards relevant and...
The new thematic dossier of JANUS NET, e-journal of international relations, entitled Place Brand Management and Public Diplomacy - Special Issue for Ibero-American States, was published in February 2025 (VOL15, No. 2 TD2) and is available at...
As a result of an institutional collaboration between the University of Macau (China), Autonoma University of Lisbon (Portugal), the Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNIS-MG (Brazil), the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), and the Institute of...
Journal: JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations, Main Question of the Special Issue: Why do emerging powers simultaneously prefer to be members of International (Global) and Regional Organizations? Editors: Associate Prof....
6th Lisbon Conference: A DIVIDED WORLD Organised by the Lisbon Club in partnership with UAL, the Instituto Diplomático-MNE and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. 10-11 October, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation More information and registration at...
Degree in International Relations >> Master's in International Relations: specialisations in ‘Contemporary International Politics’ and ‘Security, Peace and War Studies’ >>...
Research unit evaluated by FCT through the project UID/CPO/04155/2019. This website was restructured through financing by national funds from FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the Project - Refª UID/CPO/04155/2019