The cycle of open classes is framed within the Advanced Course of Studies on Sub-Saharan Africa that the International Relations Department of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL) and the Institute of National Defence (IDN) promote, in partnership.
Coordination and moderation: Ricardo real Sousa
// JULY 6 //
/ 6.30 – 8 pm /
A Solidariedade Internacional e a Luta pela Independência das Colónias Portuguesas: O American Committee on Africa
Aurora Almada e Santos, Instituto de História Contemporânea-UNL
// JUNE 15 //
/ 1.30 – 3 pm and 6.30 – 8 pm /
Dinâmicas não estatais e transnacionalismo
Prof. Luís Moita, OBSERVARE-UAL
// JUNE 8 //
/ 6.30 – 8 pm /
Launch of the book Resolução de Conflitos – Estudos de Casos edited by Prof. Ricardo Sousa and Prof. Gilberto Carvalho
Presented by Ambassador João Ribeiro de Almeida and Prof. Luís Moita