(VERSION WITH CHANGES APPROVED by OBSERVARE’s Scientific Council on 21 January 2020)
Nature, objectives, headquarters and duration
Article 1
1. OBSERVARE –OBSERVATORY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS is a university research unit, with the international abbreviated name OBSERVARE.
2. OBSERVAREis a unit of the Cooperativa de Ensino Universitário (C.E.U.), the founding entity of Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL).
Article 2
The objectives of OBSERVARE are:
a) The strengthening of UAL and its International Relations scientific area from a multidisciplinary perspective, namely research, postgraduate training, combination of teaching and research and internationalization;
b) The production and dissemination of scientific research programmes in the field of International Relations and related areas;
c) The creation of research teams to conduct research and develop the strands and projects in the fields of their specialties;
d) The establishment of consortia, agreements and partnerships with other national and foreign research institutions;
(e) To participate in national and international research and advanced training programmes and networks;
f) To publish the results of studies conducted in periodical and non-periodical publications and in free access virtual libraries for dissemination of knowledge;
g) To support advanced university training, namely through the supervision of postgraduate students, their master and doctoral theses and post-doctoral programmes;
h) To integrate young researchers and encourage their involvement in Research Strands, Groups and Projects and in other activities;
i) To promote individual and collective research projects and support their development;
j) To support applications for grants and funds or programmes to finance research projects and other activities;
k) The organization of congresses, seminars, conferences and other activities;
l) The provision of services, namely the preparation of studies commissioned by external entities
Article 3
OBSERVARE has its headquarters at Rua de Santa Marta, no. 56, in Lisbon.
Article 4
OBSERVARE duration is unlimited.
Article 5
(Human Resources)
In addition to the researchers as stipulated in Chapter III of these Statutes, OBSERVARE has the necessary human resources, which are allocated by C.E.U./UAL, to ensure its regular functioning.
Article 6
(Material Resources)
1. OBSERVARE has facilities, infrastructures, equipment and budgetary resources, to ensure its regular functioning, allocated by C.E.U./UAL, to ensure its smooth operation.
2. OBSERVARE’s own revenues are:
(a) the budget allocated by C.E.U/UAL;
b) The amounts allocated by public and private national and foreign entities, including the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and European programmes to support scientific research;
c) Subsidies, grants, contributions, donations, legacies and bequests;
d) Income arising from the provision of services;
e) Any other funds that it is legally able of obtaining.
Article 7
1. OBSERVARE has the following member/researcher categories:
a) Integrated Researcher;
b) Associate Researcher or Collaborator;
a) OBSERVARE’s Integrated Researchers are those who:
– Conduct activities in OBSERVARE’s scientific work areas;
– Have OBSERVARE as their main research centre and meet the integrated researcher criteria and the dedication to research guidelines defined by the FCT;
– Are admitted in accordance with Article 9 of these Statutes.
b) OBSERVARE’s Associate Researchers or Collaborators are the researchers who, while not being formally integrated, collaborate in OBSERVARE’s activities and, having expressed their wish to join it, are admitted under the terms of Article 9 of these Statutes.
Article 8
(Rights and Duties)
1. OBSERVARE researchers are entitled to:
a) Participate in OBSERVARE’s activities;
b) Take part in OBSERVARE’s collective decisions;
2. OBSERVARE researchers have the duty to:
a) Contribute to the achievement and reinforcement of OBSERVARE’s objectives;
b) Respect OBSERVARE’s Statutes and the decisions of its management bodies;
c) Respect OBSERVARE’s Code of Conduct.
Article 9
(Admission, Suspension and Exclusion of Members/Researchers)
1. The admission, suspension and exclusion of members/researchers are the responsibility of the OBSERVARE’s Scientific Council.
2. The decision on the admission of a new OBSERVARE researcher is taken by the majority of members of the Scientific Council.
3. The decision on the suspension and the exclusion of an OBSERVARE researcher is taken by two thirds of the members of the Scientific Council, without including the vote of the researcher in question.
4. Any member of OBSERVARE‘s Scientific Council may request a secret ballot for decision on admission, suspension and exclusion of a researcher.
5. Proposals for the admission, suspension or exclusion of researchers from OBSERVARE must be submitted in writing to the Scientific Council and should be soundly reasoned.
6. The proposal for admission of a new OBSERVARE Researcher must be accompanied by the respective Curriculum Vitae.
Article 10
OBSERVARE has the following bodies:
a) Board;
b) Scientific Council;
c) Assembly of Researchers;
d) Monitoring Unit.
Article 11
1. The Board is made up of:
a) One Director;
b) Subdirectors up to a maximum of three.
2. The Board is formed exclusively by OBSERVARE Integrated Researchers holding a Ph.D. and must be ratified by the Administration Board of C.E.U./UAL.
3. The members of the Board are elected by the OBSERVARE’s Scientific Council. Candidates must present a list and the voting will be conducted by list and secret ballot.
4. The term of office of the Board is three years and only ends when the new holders take office.
5. During the term of office, any changes in the functions of the members of the Board shall be ratified by the Scientific Council.
6. In the event of termination or suspension of functions of the Director or Subdirector, they may be replaced by proposal from the Board ratified by the Scientific Council.
7. In the event of termination or suspension of functions, simultaneously, of more than half of the members of the Board, new elections will be held to the Board within sixty days.
8. The Board is responsible for the administration and coordination of OBSERVARE, namely:
a) to represent OBSERVARE;
b) to promote the achievement of its objectives;
c) to propose the definition of scientific research policies, the coordination between research and advanced training, and publishing policies;
d) to coordinate Research Strands and prepare the Work Plans, Budgets and Reports of activities for the opinion of the Scientific Council and the Board of C.E.U./UAL;
e) To submit to the Scientific Council, for deliberation, the composition of the Monitoring Unit;
f) Obtain and manage the funds needed for operating OBSERVARE;
g) To propose the Work Plans, Budgets and Activity Reports for consideration of the Scientific Council and approval of the Board of C.E.U./UAL.
Article 12
(Scientific Council)
1. The Scientific Council is made up of Integrated Researchers who hold a Ph.D. and integrated researchers without a Ph.D. who are lecturers at UAL and the “specialist” category.
2. The Scientific Council is chaired by the Director or by a Subdirector acting on his behalf.
3. It is the responsibility of the Scientific Council:
a) To decide on the scientific research and advanced training policies;
b) To decide on admissions, suspensions and exclusions of OBSERVARE researchers;
c) To decide on research projects and teams and bids for national or international funding programmes;
d) To provide an opinion on the Budget, the Plan and the Activities’ Report, which must be submitted to the Board of C.E.U./UAL for approval;
e) To elect the Board of OBSERVARE;
f) To decide on the composition of the Monitoring Unit proposed by the Board;
g) To provide an opinion on the establishment of agreements and service rendering contracts with other institutions;
h) To decide on changes to the Statutes and Code of Conduct of OBSERVARE.
4. The Scientific Council is convened by the Director or at the request of at least twenty percent of the members of the Scientific Council.
5. The Scientific Council can be convened and decide without meeting in person, through electronic mail or electronic platforms, in which case its members must provide their opinion in writing, copying all the other members.
6. The Board or a minimum of twenty percent of the members of the Scientific Council may request a physical meeting for decision-making purposes.
7. If it is not possible to physically attend the meetings, the members of the Scientific Council may participate via videoconference, telephone or email, having prior and in good time justified their absence and asked the Board for an alternative form of participation.
8. Members of the Scientific Council who are unable to attend the meetings may delegate representation and vote on another member and shall issue such delegation in writing.
9. The decisions of the Scientific Council are taken by an absolute majority of the members who decide when called for this purpose, except in the case of decisions on the suspension or exclusion of a researcher pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 9 of these Statutes.
10. OBSERVARE researchers who are not members of the Scientific Council may be invited to attend its meetings without, however, having the right to vote.
Article 13
(Assembly of Researchers)
1. The Assembly of Researchers brings together all OBSERVARE researchers and shall have an advisory nature on all matters relating to OBSERVARE that the Board or the Scientific Council may deem appropriate.
2. The Assembly of Researchers shall be convened by the Scientific Coordinator or at the request of at least twenty per cent of OBSERVARE.
Article 14
(Monitoring Unit)
1. The Monitoring Unit is made up of three prestigious Ph.D. holders who are not researchers at OBSERVARE and have no links to UAL. It must be mostly made up of foreigners.
2. It is the responsibility of the Monitoring Unit:
a) To monitor and analyse the functioning of OBSERVARE;
b) To prepare reports and express the opinions requested by the Board or by the Scientific Council of OBSERVARE;
c) To issue the opinions it deems appropriate, namely on OBSERVARE’s plan, budget and activity reports.