Over the last two centuries, the progress on the understanding of war determined the evolution of the concept of security. The ideas related to liberalism were influential for that purpose. Over that period, it was possible to examine the notions of war, strategy, and security, and to deepen the understanding of their models. In what concerns security, there has been an evolution from national security to collective security and to the current model of cooperative security, attentive to the human dimension and containing the ideas of liberty, democracy and liberalism.
He is an Army General. During his military career, he held, among many others, the functions of Chief of Staff General of the Armed Forces, Chief of Staff of the Army, Commander of Army Logistics, Director of the National Defence Institute, National Repres entative at the Allied Headquarters (SHAPE/ Commander of the Practical School of Engineering and Adviser in the Portugal Delegation to NATO and WEU. He was also professor of Strategy and Geopolitics at the Institute of Higher Military Studies. He is a visiting full professor at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (Portugal) and an integrated researcher of OBSERVARE. He is the author of around one hundred studies, book chapters and articles on Security and Defence and a lecturer in several institutions, in Portugal and abroad.
Nos últimos dois séculos o progresso do entendimento sobre a Guerra fez evoluir o conceito de Segurança. Nisso foram influentes as ideias ligadas ao liberalismo. Ao longo desse período foi possível ir decantando as noções de Guerra, de Estratégia e de Segurança e aprofundar a compreensão dos seus modelos. No que se refere à Segurança um trajeto que, no essencial, vai da Segurança Nacional à Segurança Coletiva, até ao modelo contemporâneo de Segurança Cooperativa, atenta à dimensão humana e cuja base de sustentação integra as ideias de liberdade, de democracia e de liberalismo.
Como citar este artigo
Valença Pinto, Luís (2021). The liberal views and the progress on the understanding of security. Janus.net, e-journal of international relations. Thematic dossier 200 years after the Revolution (1820-2020), December 2021. Consulted [online] in date of the last visit, https://doi.org/10.26619/1647-7251.DT0121.9
Article received on 15 June, 2021 and accepted for publication on 10 November, 2021