The philosophical modernity of the Enlightenment contributed to change cultural agents and international knowledge networks. The European agents and values of eighteenth-century intellectual communication were expanded and secularized. New forms of intellectual and patriotic sociability emerged in the public sphere. In this context, sociability was marked by the establishment of philanthropic, economic and patriotic associations. This study highlights the importance of three associations created and imagined in the late 18th and early 19th centuries: the Sociedade dos Mancebos Patriotas of Coimbra (1780); the Montepio Literário (1813); and the Sociedade Patriótica Literária de Lisboa (1822).
She holds a Ph.D. in Modern and Contemporary History and is Associate Professor with aggregation at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra. She is a researcher at the Centre for the History of Society and Culture (Portugal) and director of the Journal História das Ideias. She has been dedicated to research in History of Ideas and Culture, 18th and 19th centuries. She is the author of numerous articles, in national and foreign publications, and of several books, such as A morte em Lisboa. Atitudes e Representações (1700-1830), Lisbon,1997; A Cultura das Luzes em Portugal. Temas e Problemas, Lisbon, 2003; and Memórias Políticas de Ricardo Raimundo Nogueira (1810-1820), Coimbra, 2011. She recently co-coordinated the book Gomes Freire de Andrade e as Vésperas da Revolução de 1820, Lisbon, 2018 and collective works of reference about the University in Pombal´s period.
A modernidade filosófica do Iluminismo contribuiu para a mudança de agentes culturais e de redes internacionais do conhecimento. Os veículos de comunicação intelectual, à escala europeia, foram expandidos e secularizados. Novas formas de sociabilidade intelectual e patriótica surgiram na esfera pública. Neste contexto, a sociabilidade mundana foi marcada pelo estabelecimento de associações filantrópicas, económicas e patrióticas. Neste estudo destacamos a importância que três associações tiveram no final do século XVIII e inícios do século XIX: a Sociedade dos Mancebos Patriotas com sede em Coimbra (1780); o Montepio Literário (1813); e a Sociedade Patriótica Literária de Lisboa (1822).
Como citar este artigo
Araújo, Ana Cristina (2021). Patriotic sociability and defence of the constitutional cause., e-journal of international relations. Thematic dossier 200 years after the Revolution (1820-2020), December 2021. Consulted [online] in date of the last visit,
Article received on 21 June, 2021 and accepted for publication on 29 July, 2021