Mouffe, Chantal (2019). Por Um Populismo de Esquerda. Colecção Trajectos. Lisboa: Gradiva. ISBN 978-989-616-906-0. 104 pp
Ph.D. student in Communication Science at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Portugal) and holder of a grant from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). He has a Master Degree in Sociology: exclusions and social policies (University of Beira Interior) and a Degree in Sociology. He was a Research Fellow (2010-2015) in the Agenda dos Cidadãos: jornalismo e participação cívica nos media portugueses e Público e privado em comunicações móveis (Citizens' Agenda projects: journalism and civic participation in the Portuguese media and public and private in mobile communications), conducted at the LabCom of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Beira Interior. He has been a researcher at OberCom since June 2016.
Como citar esta recensão crítica
Sousa, João Carlos (2021). Critical review of Mouffe, Chantal (2019). Por Um Populismo de Esquerda. Colecção Trajectos. Lisboa: Gradiva. ISBN 978-989-616-906-0. 104 pp., e-journal of international relations. Vol12, Nº. 1, May-October 2021. Consulted [online] at date of last view,