The article examines the scale of involvement of Transnational Organized Criminal Groups (TOCG) in committing acts of corruption, and their related criminal cooperation with Transnational Corporations (TNCs)1 , as well…
…need to redefine the concepts of international politics, strategies, threats, and security. In parallel, new technologies have enabled transnational threats to develop and come up as a primary concern for…
…many States have called for the need to define cybercrime and to hold conventions to adopt effective legal framework to combat and restrict the progress of cybercrime worldwide. This study…
From the analysis of the information contained in the Records of the Devassas da Conjuração Baiana (judicial proceeding filed by the Portuguese crown) of 1798, in the punitive logic of…
…War enabled the explicitness of EU security actorness. The post 9/11 facilitated the reinforcement of previous trends (transnational threats, externalisation of ‘internal security’, interpillarisation) and the introduction of innovative tendencies…
European security is transnational in nature due to the interdependencies of globalized societies. This gives rise to the need for cooperation and the sharing of security intelligence between Member States….
…Lusophone countries and relates it to the Chinese B&RI at three levels: domestic, regional and global. This paper is organized as follows: (1) Introduction; (2) The uniqueness of EG as…
…the same time, a factor that has a negative impact on this development is cybercrime. The article explores the current state and main trends of cybercrime, including its organized forms….
…international law and relations. In this article, we shall discuss, in light of recent events, four of such challenges: 1) Universality; 2) Complementarity; 3) Cooperation; and 4) the Crime of…
…demographic change; increasing crime rates; disruptive technology; and pressures on resources, infrastructure and energy. As a global/local interface, cities can ensure effective solutions to current challenges and act together in…