Gulbenkian Think Tank on Water and the Future of Humanity (2014). Water and the Future of Humanity. Revisiting Water Security. New York: Springer: 241 pp.
Brígida Rocha Brito…
Brígida Rocha Brito…
…the security of penitentiary institutions through differentiation of convicted persons and the conditions of serving sentences, and also given the wide use of advanced technical means of control and supervision…
…Security, the Yemeni Women’s Technical Advisory Group, and more recently, the Bloc of Women Members of Political Parties. The patriarchal Yemeni society has limited the Yemeni women intervention in the…
…a Paz. Esta competência distintiva decorre do desempenho de todo o espetro das Funções Policiais em ambiente instável, com uma capacidade ímpar para superar o Security Gap, através da sua…
…to Surveillance in the largest and oldest democracies of the world, India and the United States of America. Regardless of vast variances in socio-economic and political realities, these two countries…
…fim da Guerra Fria criou a oportunidade para a explicitação da security actorness europeia. O pós-11/09 favoreceu o reforço de tendências (ameaças transnacionais, externalização da ‘segurança interna’, interpilarização) e a…