…continua a ser a mais adequada para liderar a mediação de conflitos intra-estaduais violentos. Nos casos em que se utilizam múltiplos recursos (multitrack), como foi o caso moçambicano, os actores…
…theories of international relations, and those who emphasize domestic factors, most notably liberal theories. These two approaches are often framed as if they were incompatible. This article attempts to contribute…
…national economic development plans, a year-long civil war, two suspensions of the constitution, and at least four successful coups d’état (and numerous failed attempts). Today, GB remains one of the…
…a comprehensive cooperative partnership (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, 2015). In 2019, the two countries signed a Belt and Road Initiative (B&RI) MoU during the…
…to Surveillance in the largest and oldest democracies of the world, India and the United States of America. Regardless of vast variances in socio-economic and political realities, these two countries…