…space – are important for the understanding of the moment we live in, namely regarding the changing international system, helping us to understand the emergence of the new civilization states…
…explaining the Republic – before and after the proclamation – as a result of the confrontation between the social group’s leaps to modernity, to the new, to the different, and…
…classes and promoted the country’s international emergence. However, in the beginning of the second decade of the new century, and in the wake of the 2008 crisis, the international game…
…how the highest diplomatic institutions in Spain and the United Kingdom are integrating the use of new technologies and, specifically, social platforms to connect with society, transmit transparency and proximity,…
…for debate, which can increase the growth of knowledge about the usefulness of social networks and new technologies as key tools for the defence of human rights. Javier Bernabé Fraguas…
…China have been in the spotlight for their influence operations in Europe. In the article we will analyse the concept of disinformation in the EU; external threats and the new…
…conflict dynamics of Sahelian countries, with focus on central and northern Mali and its borderlands. The external interventions entered a new phase of the so-called liberal peace project when, in…
The philosophical modernity of the Enlightenment contributed to change cultural agents and international knowledge networks. The European agents and values of eighteenth-century intellectual communication were expanded and secularized. New forms…
…of state sovereignty or within a new concept of sovereignty and capacity to enforce the law, and the arguments of those who reject this exceptional treatment of cyberspace. Lino Santos…
In this article, we will analyse the National Socialist regime as a politico-constitutional reality. We will do it from a new way of looking at politico-constitutional phenomena, interpreting them as…