…actions in illegally accessing digital infrastructures, disseminating stolen contents online, and influencing political debate on digital platforms to create dissention and polarization. These initiatives are included in a wider strategy…
The issues of cultural diversity and the plurality of voices in the current digital and global environment are raising new challenges beyond those already identified in the context of migration…
The article deals with the issues of cyber security and cybercrime in the digital society. The areas for improving international cooperation to ensure the security of the Internet are proposed….
This article examines the new digital landscape postulated in the network society theory advocated by Castells (2000), as well as a contextual framework. Assuming the virtual exists and produces effects…
India has a sizable population that engages in the gig economy, which is supported by a developing digital platform. The gigs consist of temporary, freelance, or sharing economy positions. But…
…diplomacy that integrates the analogue and digital environments in which communications play a vital role. Qatar has protested its innocence before regional and international public opinion, and it has denounced…
…and misinformation, adopting new formats and new anti-hoax measures (fake news). They have been effective and it is identified that thanks to the different platforms, citizens have found themselves somewhat…
…how the highest diplomatic institutions in Spain and the United Kingdom are integrating the use of new technologies and, specifically, social platforms to connect with society, transmit transparency and proximity,…
…and complexity, leadership is necessary for any type of organization. How is leadership approached by religious institutions? What is the role of the digital world in leadership formation? The objective…