…solidarity, mutual respect, transparency and responsibility has enabled the signing of various agreements between Cabo Verde and the United States of America in the areas of security and defence, development…
…analysis. They were used to talk about the relationship between the United States and Latin America. Cultural diplomacy has often been utilized to analyze the United States foreign policy during…
The aim of this research is to analyze if the implementation of the Erasmus Mundus program has created a positive impact on the bilateral relations between the United Mexican States…
…states: between 2015-2017, most hydrocarbons-exporting rentier states, while remaining open to economically vital inflows of temporary migrant workers, adapted their legislation to make it particularly restrictive towards asylum seekers. More…
The objective of this paper is to analyse the recent evolution of Spain’s Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the internationalization patterns of Spanish companies in these countries. To…
As means of communication and citizen participation, social networks are undoubtedly also today a way for the exercise of diplomacy. Therefore, we undertake this research with the aim of verifying…
This research aims is to analyze the role that the Chinese economy has had in the economic growth of Latin America. The methodology used consists of a multivariate approach for…
…in America at the end of the Ancien Régime. It focuses on the impact of the Lei Máxima (Law) of 18 August 1769, later called the Law of Good Reason,…
…carry out various types of assignments and to influence the conduct of international relations between the country concerned and the organization where they work or between the Member States at…
In the aftermath of revelations made by ex-NSA employee Edward Snowden about violation of privacy of individuals by states in the name of surveillance, right to privacy became one of…