…societies, and another focused mainly on power-sharing as a meachanism of conflict management. This article aims to introduce the reader to discussions about power-sharing, reviewing and critically analysing power-sharing literature…
…the instruments of power change and soft power joins the military and economy components as the fundamental vertices of power. Meanwhile, a violent pandemic emerged, causing unimaginable loss of life,…
This paper analyses the different terms used in public diplomacy and the symbiotic relations that connect the European Union and China through culture, mobility, cultural diplomacy and soft power. The…
…state in exercising the executive power assigned to them. In Portugal, the Constitutional Charter of 1826 instituted a fourth power – the Moderating Power – which added to the traditional…
…community, the new generation of peacekeeping operations has adopted a multidimensional approach to military force to be used in coordination with other instruments of power, ensuring a proper strategic framework…
…its trajectory as an “emerging power”, can be analysed taking into consideration this ancient Indian game. Indeed, during the first decade of the 21st century, Brazil enjoyed a great political…
…role played by China and its use of social networks to improve its image and impose its alternative model of governance with sharp power techniques. Finally, the European strategy to…
The debate between realism and idealism continues to mark the discipline of International Relations. On the one hand, realism argues that international politics is a struggle for power and a…