…diplomacy. In this context, and taking into account the experiences and good practices of other States, strategic guidelines are discussed for the structuring of an effective economic diplomacy in Portugal…
…diplomacy theory. This study found that the typology of Indonesia’s economic diplomacy (2019) is more developed than it was in previous years. IQBAL RAMADHAN RAHMADHA AKBAR SYAH ZAKI KHUDZAIFI MAHMUD…
…entrepreneurship and economic growth. The bootstrap mediation results indicated that finance was a significant predictor of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship was a significant predictor of economic growth. These findings support the…
Science diplomacy is a field born of the interaction between science and diplomacy. It arises in a context of extension of multilateralism to new actors, including scientists, higher education institutions,…
This paper analyses the different terms used in public diplomacy and the symbiotic relations that connect the European Union and China through culture, mobility, cultural diplomacy and soft power. The…
…provides a perspective that city branding is para-diplomacy itself or one form of para-diplomacy practices. This paper argues that through city branding, cities should be able to not only widen…
Foreign policy and diplomacy are, within the framework of International Relations studies in general, two categories that enjoy great prominence. In practical terms, they have a close, symbiotic bond and…
…United States as a modern and industrialized society on South Americans. Over the last decades, concepts such as cultural diplomacy, soft power, and cultural imperialism have become part of academic…
Disinformation on social media has positioned itself as a strategy of diplomacy to intervene in the decisions of sovereign states through the use of fake news, misleading content, hate speech…
…where a series of cross-border threats are concentrated, hence becoming a zone of international concern. Moreover, the experience on conflict prevention of the regional organization, the Economic Community of West…