The result has not always been the best, increasing, rather than decreasing, the entropy
of the international scene, as shown by the cases of Iraq or Afghanistan. It is then
necessary, once again, to focus on the essence of the meaning of subversive warfare.
1. The Nature of Subversive War
First, and since the article will focus on subversive war and the concomitant strategy of
subversion and counter-subversion, it becomes necessary to know the phenomenon of
subversive warfare. Subversive warfare can be defined as:
The struggle within a given territory, by a part of its inhabitants,
assisted and reinforced or not from abroad, against established or
de facto authorities with the aim of withdrawing control of that
territory or, at least, of paralysing its action (O Exército na Guerra
Subversiva, 1966: Chap. I, p. 1).
In addition to the definition, it is still important to point out that, as a form of internal
war, in theory supported or not abroad (a practice that has always been supported from
the outside), subversive war evolved into a generic typology of war, a result of the
strategic avatars of the Cold War. That is to say, in view of the impossibility of the global
superpowers to use armed force against each other, because of the risk of a cataclysmic
nuclear war, they had to develop alternative forms of warfare, which were in fact already
in nuce. This development was essential for the creation of subversive war, since in it
the fulcrum of the action does not become armed struggle.
In fact, we are talking about the creation of subversive war because the so-called small
wars, irregular wars, popular wars and the struggles of different resistances during the
Second World War were nothing but prolegomena to subversive war itself. On the other
hand, so-called guerrilla warfare is only a combat method, based on small groups,
ambushes, counter-ambushes, scourging and quick withdrawals, in short, intermittent
contact, which was and is used in different types of war, including conventional warfare.
What happens is that the subversive movements, in initial stages, had no armed capacity
to do anything but guerrilla warfare; and of course, counter-subversion, if intelligent,
which is confronted with the need to respond in the same measure.
The subversive fulcrum is not in armed struggle, it does not consist of defeating the
military forces of subversion or counter-subversion; although, as war generated from an
internal movement, its trigger must always be armed struggle, under penalty of
subversives soon to be arrested, dominated by police forces and subject to the legal-
constitutional framework in force for common times. Thus, both subversion and counter-
subversion seek to win over the hearts and minds of the majority of the population where
the revolt occurred. If it is possible, convince the direct military adversaries that the
struggle does not make sense, incidentally but firmly, leading to the adverse forces being
militarily comprised. In addition, it is essential to the diplomatic manoeuvring on the
international stage, psycho-social, sanitation, developmental support, that is a set of