Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov
Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Law, Civil Law Department, Academy of Law and Management of
the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (Russia)
Inna Borisovna Uskacheva
Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Law, Deputy Head for Scientific and Educational Activities
Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (Russia)
Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov
Ph.D. in Law, Chairman of the State Law Department
Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (Russia)
Olga Evgenievna Mikhailova
Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Law, Civil Law Department
Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (Russia)
Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Law, Criminal Law Department
Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (Russia)
On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.
Foreign experience of ensuring penitentiary safety is structurally studied in this article; the
possibility of its use in domestic practice is discussed. The intrinsic and external aspects of
penitentiary security, which are organically interconnected with each other, are highlighted.
The General characteristic of modern criminal and Executive system of Russia is given, the
problems of legal regulation of ensuring its safety existing at the moment are revealed. On
the basis of the comparative legal method in combination with other methods of scientific
cognition, the article considers foreign experience of ensuring the security of penitentiary
institutions through differentiation of convicted persons and the conditions of serving
sentences, and also given the wide use of advanced technical means of control and supervision
in the process of correction. In this regard, some measures have been proposed to optimize
the functioning of penitentiary institutions of the penal correction system of Russia in terms
of penitentiary security. In order of discussion, subject to the review of best international
practices are selected relevant for the domestic practice questions on the specifics of ensuring
penitentiary safety in emergency situations, the models of private prison companies, the
development of social control’s forms and supervision over the persons released from
penitentiary institutions, the conclusions about the parameters of the perception of foreign
experience in domestic practice are formulated.
Penal system; prison security; Russia; foreign experience
How to cite this article
Shcherbakov, Andrey V.; Uskacheva, Inna B.; Bogdanov, Maxim N.; Mikhailova, Olga E.;
Shatov, Sergey A. (2018). "Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary
system and the possibility of its use in domestic practice". JANUS.NET e-journal of
International Relations, Vol. 9, Nº. 1, May-October 2018. Consulted [online] on the date of
last consultation, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26619/1647-7251.9.1.8
Article received on October 30, 2017 and accepted for publication on April 5, 2018
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary system and the possibility of its use in
domestic practice
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov, Inna Borisovna Uskacheva, Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov, Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailova, Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov
Inna Borisovna Uskacheva
Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov
Olga Evgenievna Mikhailova
Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
1. Introduction
Held in Russia radical changes, focused on upgrading and at the same time, the
progressive development of the Russian state and society, are comprehensive in nature
and deal including relationships arising and developing in the penitentiary sector,
including issues of prison security. The Russian Federation proceeds from the necessity
of continuous improvement of the system of public security (The concept of public safety
in the Russian Federation, 2013), in conjunction with the strategic objectives of national
security in modern conditions (National security strategy of the Russian Federation,
2015). Prison safety genetically related to the overall system of national security, since
it involves complex regulatory and legal forces and means aimed at countering threats
to the normal development of the Russian state and society, lawful interests of citizens.
At the same time, the prison security encompasses significant specifics due to the
peculiarities of its main threats (crime, criminal and prison subculture, prison relapse)
and manifesting itself in the legal instruments of its software (Romashov, Tonkov, 2014,
p. 266-267).
Prison security is both intra-system and inter-system in nature, because the insider
threats determine the risk in relation to the persons directly located in the prison
environment especially the convicts and the prison staff. In the field of intersystem
relations in the prison as a source of danger should be considered the prison system,
which concludes a threat to ‘law-abiding’ society.
Accordingly, a reasonable statement on the allocation of the inside and outside of prison
With regard to Russia we should speak about the special role of the penal system in
ensuring prison security. The term ‘correctional system’ is traditionally used in the
literature in understanding with state-legal nature and accordingly organized by the
Institute for implementation of activities in the sphere of execution of criminal penalties
and performs in this regard are significant for the state and society (Lelyukh, 2006).
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary system and the possibility of its use in
domestic practice
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov, Inna Borisovna Uskacheva, Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov, Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailova, Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
In turn, the dynamics of state-legal and social change manifests itself in changes of the
content of the functions, specific tasks of the penal system and its constituent organs
and agencies. In modern conditions, in conjunction with the constitutional institution of
the special value of man, his rights and freedoms (article 2 of the Constitution of Russia
of 1993), active and comprehensive participation of Russia in integration processes, the
correctional system is rebuilt on the line of humanization of the prison, direction is
gradually replacing the punitive and derived from it.
The main milestones of the humanization of the modern criminal-Executive system of
Russia include:
- the adoption of laws in the sphere of organization and activity of criminal-Executive
system, taking into account the constitutional provisions and international standards
in the penitentiary field (law of the Russian Federation of 21 July 1993 n 5473-1 ‘On
institutions and bodies executing criminal penalties of imprisonment’; the Criminally-
Executive code of the Russian Federation 1997);
- 1997, the penal system of Russian Ministry of internal Affairs to the Ministry of justice
of Russia (on the basis of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation from
October 8, 1997);
- education in 2004 the Federal service of execution of punishments, which transferred
the functions of the Ministry of justice for enforcement of criminal sanctions, taking
into account the updates of the legislation and accepted by Russia of its international
obligations in the penitentiary sector (on the basis of the decree of the President of
the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2004);
- the development, adoption and implementation of measures for implementation of the
concept of development criminally-Executive system of the Russian Federation until
2020 (approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 14
October 2010 g. 1772-R), where, respectively, the General characteristics and
current state of the penal system were given, the main directions, forms and methods
of its improvement based on international standards and the needs of social
development were determined (The concept of the Federal targeted programme
"development of the penal correction system (2017-2025)", 2016).
The process of humanization of Criminal-Executive system of Russia substantively
represents itself in the reduction of the number of convicts serving a sentence of
imprisonment, finding alternatives to criminal sentences involving isolation from society.
So, for comparison, if in 2002 the number of prisoners located on the territory of Russia
correctional institutions (prison) amounted to 877 thousand 393 people and in 2015,
respectively, 618, 656 thousand people (Gorban', 2016, p. 176-183). At the same time
the practice of assignment and execution of alternative types of punishment not
connected with isolation from society is expanding.
However, the current Russian criminal-Executive inspection, entrusted with the task of
execution of alternative punishments, it is necessary to control more retidivirovanii
contingent, which complicates their work and reduces its effectiveness. There is also
rejuvenation and the deterioration of the criminological characteristics of the contingent
of prisoners who are serving sentences in deprivation of liberty, in particular, increasing
the number of prisoners who are prone to various forms of destructive behavior,
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary system and the possibility of its use in
domestic practice
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov, Inna Borisovna Uskacheva, Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov, Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailova, Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
manifesting itself in violence against other convicts, as well as in attacks on employees
of criminal-Executive system (Kudryavtsev, 2013, p. 20-23).
Designated circumstances actualize the problem of studying the best foreign experience
of ensuring penitentiary safety.
The purpose of this study is to identify the positive elements of foreign experience of
ensuring penitentiary safety and the prospects for its perception in the course of
reforming the criminal-Executive system of Russia.
2. Literature Review
The theoretical basis of public security, part of which acts as a prison security, developed
in the works of A. A. Ter-Akopov (1998) A. B. Antonova and V. G. Balashov (1996), M.
M. Babayev and E. N. Rakhmanova (2003). Among the works of foreign authors, we
mention the study of known criminologist Michael Tonry (USA) (2001) who identified the
particular importance of model of criminal justice, implying the priority of measures
aimed at ensuring public safety, protection from crime.
Some writers appeal directly to the problem of prison security. In particular, B. B. Kazak
(2001) outlined the main components of security control of the penal system. In the
research of V. Chorny, F. (1996) were systematized the factors of security of prisoners
in places of deprivation of freedom. R. Z. Useev comes to conclusions about the holistic
nature of penal hazards and security of criminal-Executive system, the need for a
conceptual definition of this concept on the legislative level (Useev, 2015, p. 56-61).
Foreign experience of organization and functioning of penitentiary systems and ensure
they prison security is provided in several studies. In particular, a review of the device
penitentiary prison a number of European countries, order and conditions of serving of
punishments in them, is given in the book by L. F. Pirtle, A. M. Fumm, Y. Y. Iron and T.
V. Borisova (2012).
The work by A. V. Bykova, and M. A. Kalogirou (2015) discusses the prison system of
the United States and the main ways of providing it security. In the book by Andrew
Coyle (United Kingdom) (2002) a progressive vision of its author in terms of prison
management when the balance of the prison security and prisoners ' rights is presented.
Norwegian researcher Erich Saham (2006) considers in comparison with the European
prison rules basic training for the Norwegian correctional. In own work S. H. Samsonov
(2016) analyzes foreign experience of creation and functioning of private prisons,
expresses judgments about the possibility of his careful and selective use in Russia. In
conjunction with the problem of prison security (in its broadest sense) E. A. Tohave
(2009) analyzes the positive foreign experience of socio-legal control over the persons,
released from correctional institutions.
However, the whole issue of prison security, considered from the perspective of its impact
on the modern criminal-Executive system of Russia of international experience,
parameters of perception in domestic practice, in the course of the ongoing in Russia,
reforms that are not specifically allocated.
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary system and the possibility of its use in
domestic practice
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov, Inna Borisovna Uskacheva, Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov, Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailova, Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
3. Materials and methods
The methodological basis of this study is comparative legal method, which focuses on the
comparison of different legal systems, socio-legal categories and phenomena. The
practical importance of comparative legal method is the recognition characteristic of the
modern world the objective process of rapprochement of the different national legal
systems, given the typological differences and national legal particularities of a given
The comparative method is combined with other General scientific and special methods
of cognition, namely:
- with systemic (involving the penitentiary need to consider security as a holistic
phenomenon, and its support, respectively, as the process of preventing, detecting
and neutralizing the threats emanating from criminal and criminogenic prison
environment, in turn, correlated with intra and inter-system socio-legal factors);
- formal and legal (involving the use of conceptual-categorical apparatus of
jurisprudence, recourse to the law and materials of law-enforcement practice in the
sphere of penal activities in the countries surveyed);
- structural-functional (allows to highlight part of the prison security and the main
components of its software in connection with the operation and development of the
penal systems of modern States).
The research of methodology consists of the study and comparison of the basic
characteristics of penal systems of modern States, in part, related to issues of prison
security. The main attention is given to the penitentiary countries of Europe and the
United States, taking into account the degree of development of the penitentiary systems
and the accumulated positive experience of ensuring penitentiary safety in terms of total
lines on the humanization of the penitentiary activities, combined with its efficiency.
Based on the special scientific and reference literature, the article takes into account the
provisions of the legislative acts of Russia and a number of foreign countries in force on
penitentiary security.
A comparison of foreign and Russian experience is given to justify the position about the
existence of the two main areas of prison security, namely 1) internal (with reference to
the actual prison) and 2) external (with respect to law-abiding society). In this regard,
these directions are considered in the work, the authors are aware of a certain share of
conventionality of this distinction, taking into account the noted holistic and integrated
nature of the prison security and the intrinsic relationship of the parties.
4. Results
4.1. The internal security of penal institutions through differentiation of
The role of the factor of differentiation of convicts and conditions of punishment serving
in the internal security of penal institutions is substantively indicated in the below
country-specific data. In the United States (first place in the international ranking in the
number of prisoners), there is a diversified system of corrections, respectively, which, in
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary system and the possibility of its use in
domestic practice
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov, Inna Borisovna Uskacheva, Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov, Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailova, Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
the jurisdiction of municipal, state or Federal government. Each prison has a security
level, respectively, from 1 to 4, and:
- correctional institutions of local subordination have security level 1 or 2 and more than
half contained therein offenders have a resolution without support for some time to
leave the area for employment or training of any profession;
- prisons and reformatories of the fourth and third levels of security are under the
jurisdiction of the States or the Federal government (however, in these penal
institutions there are also units with a soft mode corresponding to the second level
(Kovalev, Sheremetyeva, 2013, p. 19-20).
Differentiation of convicted persons and, accordingly, the question of determining the
necessary level of security of the penal institution held not only under the sentence of
the court, but also in conjunction with the operation of reception centers, diagnostic and
classification of prisoners (in the case of persons serving imprisonment for more than
one year) (Kovalev, Sheremetyeva, 2013, p. 19-20).
In correctional institutions: there are various programs aimed at the resocialization of
the convicted person. In addition, in the United States operate:
- restitution centers (a ‘mild’ alternative to imprisonment; they are sent to convicted
persons who have committed an offence for the first time, able-bodied and mentally
healthy persons who do not have problems with drugs and alcohol, and by a court
decision can be sent to convicted persons whose prison term is coming to an end;
convicted persons undergo a socialization course, are obliged to go to work and
perform free public works, pay their living in the center, court costs and compensate
the victims for the damage);
- centers compulsory treatment (they send in need of treatment from alcoholism and
drug addiction centers educational programs and programs of socialization, inmates
also undergo a professional training course, they receive qualified assistance in finding
employment after release);
- correctional camps (for the first time convicted for up to five years for crimes not
related to violence young healthy men are sent there, and, if they express such a
desire themselves; convicted persons are engaged in heavy public works, for example,
the construction of roads, and are also obliged to undergo an educational program
and a course of vocational training).
In the UK, due to historical administrative-territorial division and different political status
of its constituent territories, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own system of
execution of punishments, and England and Wales General (Yakovlev, Yakovleva,
Yakovleva, 2011, p. 142) (respectively, England and Wales 86 230 thousand prisoners;
Northern Ireland 1460 prisoners, Scotland 7480 convicted (Bykov, 2017). In the UK
prison service, there are different categories of institutions for the detention of prisoners,
taking into account gender, age, criminal experience (separately allocated institutions
with a life sentence). There are four modes of accommodation for adult males: category
‘A’ (top security) prisons; category ‘B’ (high security) prisons; category ‘C’ (middle
security) prisons; and category ‘D(open mode) prisons. In the process of serving the
sentence, many convicts in accordance with the decision of the prison administration,
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary system and the possibility of its use in
domestic practice
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov, Inna Borisovna Uskacheva, Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov, Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailova, Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
taken on the basis of an assessment of the identity of the convicted person and his
behavior, go into the category of a lesser degree of safety, some prisoners go into the
category of a higher degree of danger than previously expected (Yakovlev, Yakovleva,
Yakovleva, 2011, p.143).
In Germany (64 thousand convicts 193) (Bykov, 2017), the execution of the penalty of
deprivation of liberty is carried out in penal institutions open and closed (second
dominate), while the inmates depending on the risk of their identity are sent to prisons
with different degrees of isolation. In connection with the reform currently under way
(since 2006), the execution of sentences is regulated by the legislation of the Federal
lander, which, however, does not change the basic purposes and principles of the
organization of the execution of penalties relating to the protection of society from crime
and the socialization of the convicted person.
In France, penitentiary establishments are divided into: detention home (where to put
those arrested and sentenced to deprivation of liberty for a term of less than one year);
the Central prison (where the most dangerous prisoners with a much more strict regime
of detention and high security measures); the places of deprivation of liberty, which is
designed for prisoners who in the opinion of the administration, have the best chance of
rehabilitation (where the detention regime is focused on possible communication of
convicted persons with outside world); detention centers (institutions of a mixed type,
which can coexist compartments, designed for both prisoners on remand and convicted);
a semi-free Autonomous centers (placed convicts who have to serve not more than one
year and have attained a certain degree of correction) (Yakovlev, Yakovleva, Yakovleva,
2011, p. 150).
In Spain (as well as in Portugal) there are four categories of detention of convicted
persons (closed, semi-open, open (night stay) and conditional release under house
arrest), which can be applied by transfer from one correctional institution to another (the
so-called progressive system of punishment (Teplyashin, 2016, pp. 113-120). It is
important to note that in Portugal every convicted person is assigned an expert from the
social reintegration service, which is a structural unit of the General Directorate of
reintegration and prisons, who prepares a plan of social rehabilitation taking into account
the individual characteristics of the convicted person and monitors compliance with its
requirements (Teplyashin, 2016, pp. 113-120).
In Finland (there is a low crime rate (Koski, Druzhinina, 2015, p.90) there are various
types of punishment regime associated with isolation from society, while, taking into
account the behavior of the convict, testifying to his correction, there are rules on transfer
from a stricter to a less strict regime of detention (Koski, Druzhinina, 2015, p. 92).
In Norway (crime rates and the level of prisoners are significantly lower than in other
European countries) (Saheim, 2006, p.88) convicts are placed in prisons with different
levels of security on the basis of an individual risk and needs assessment, taking into
account, among other factors, the factors of influence of the criminal environment on
low-risk prisoners, as well as the importance of social rehabilitation work.
In Russia, the institutions of the penal correction system that carry out prison sentences
include: colony-settlement (convicted primarily for reckless crimes, in addition, for the
first time convicted of crimes of minor gravity) educational colonies for minors; medical
correctional institutions; correctional colonies of General, strict or special regime
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary system and the possibility of its use in
domestic practice
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov, Inna Borisovna Uskacheva, Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov, Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailova, Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
(respectively, the regime is determined taking into account the gravity of the crime, as
well as relapse).); prisons (their number is insignificant, they contain persons who have
committed especially serious crimes, at especially dangerous relapse, and also
transferred from corrective colonies on a sentence of court in connection with malicious
violation of the order of serving of punishment) (Art. 16, 74 of the Criminal and Executive
code of the Russian Federation). In the domestic penal enforcement legislation there are
provisions on separate detention of men and women convicted of crimes, persons who
committed the crime for the first time and those convicted who previously served a
sentence of imprisonment (article 80 of the Penal enforcement code), as well as
provisions on changing the type of correctional facility for positively characterized
convicts (article 78 of the Penal enforcement code).
At the same time, there is a potential for improving legislative provisions and practice,
taking into account the positive foreign experience, within the framework of two
promising areas:
- differentiation of prisoners based on the findings of specialized centers on the level of
risk and accept in conjunction with that decision about the direction of the face (in
some cases also subject to his consent) to the penitentiary (where, in turn, operates
the appropriate socialization program);
- possibility of transfer of the sentenced person, the sentence which ends in a
penitentiary institution, with a ‘soft mode’ with simultaneous passing of the relevant
programs of adaptation and re-socialization.
These provisions should be reflected in the domestic penal enforcement legislation,
namely, in Art. 78 (Change of type of correctional institution) and in Art. 87 (conditions
of serving of punishment condemned to imprisonment) Criminally-the Executive code of
the Russian Federation.
4.2. The technical component of prison security.
The following is the experience of certain countries in the technical part of the security
of penal institutions, state its significance, and formulated recommendations for
improving national legislation in this part.
In the Netherlands the prisons are equipped with video cameras, which carry out
continuous monitoring of convicts (prisoners have virtually no personal space, excluding
the toilet and shower (Kurkina, 2013, p. 146).
In Spain, the system of security of penitentiaries (including the means of its technical
support) correlates with the type of institution, and in the centers of social integration,
which are generally not closed and operate on the basis of the principle of confidence in
the convicts (the latter have the opportunity to work and undergo treatment outside
these institutions), there is an effective security system that allows to control convicts
with, inter alia, electronic bracelets GPS-monitoring, indicators of alcohol content in the
blood, personal voice detectors (Teplyashin, 2016, pp. 113-120).
In the US:
- an important means of operational control of the criminal environment is centralized
accounting, which allows collecting, accumulating, storing, systematizing and issuing
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary system and the possibility of its use in
domestic practice
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov, Inna Borisovna Uskacheva, Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov, Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailova, Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
operational information (Central Inmate Monitoring System), first of all, in relation to
prisoners with high criminal activity and significant criminal experience;
- prison staff widely uses advanced technical means to prevent escapes and other
crimes, violations of the established order of serving of punishment, and to obtain the
necessary information about the behavior of the convicts (Bykov, Kalugin, 2015,
p. 28-32).
The use of computer technologies with the use of digital monitoring and surveillance
systems allows:
- to effectively implement the task of implementation of integrated control of the
territory of the penitentiary institution;
- to prevent ill-treatment of inmates by correctional staff;
- to respond promptly to emergency situations and thereby ensure security within the
According to article 83 of the Criminal Executive code of the Russian Federation the
administration of correctional institutions has the right to use audiovisual, electronic and
other technical means of control and supervision in order to prevent escapes and other
crimes, violations of the order of serving the sentence, while obliged to notify prisoners
on receipt of the use of technical means of control and supervision.
Taking into account the high importance of technical means of ensuring penitentiary
security, it is necessary to shift the emphasis on the obligation to use such means in
order to ensure the personal safety of convicts and correctional facility personnel, and to
make appropriate adjustments to article 83 of the Criminal Executive code of the Russian
5. Discussion
Peculiarities of functioning of penitentiaries and ensuring their security in
emergency situations.
Among these features are: the establishment of a special legal regime; the creation of
temporary structural units; the creation of a temporary system of management and
communication; the use of special tactics; the use of special tools and weapons
(Glushkov, 2013, pp. 28-30). In correctional institutions of the Republic of Belarus with
the introduction of special provisions the decision of the head of the institution may be
limited prisoners ' contact with the outside world, while in this mode, insulation is within
the institution or transfer to another prison convicts, organizing a group or provoking
illegal actions (Glushkov, 2013, p. 28-30).
In the UK the prisoners involved in the riots, the rebellions, hostage-taking and attacks
on representatives of the administration in places of imprisonment, transferred to a
prison lockdown; in the Commission of such acts in jail, they are placed in the camera
security category ‘A’ (in this case they lose their personal allowances and are subject to
the most stringent monitoring: produce weekly searches of their person and cells, where
they are contained (Coyle, 1994, p. 96; Draft guidelines for Prison and Probation Services
regarding Radicalisation and Violent Extremism, 2015).
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary system and the possibility of its use in
domestic practice
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov, Inna Borisovna Uskacheva, Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov, Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailova, Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
In General, it is necessary to take into account the foreign experience of the functioning
of penitentiaries in emergency circumstances in the parameters of the current legislation.
Private prisons.
First version of private penal institutions of closed type was tested in the USA in the
1980s, currently there are private prisons in 27 States and managed by 20 private
companies, their capacity is 4.4 percent of the limit of American prisons (Shamsunov,
2016, p. 25-28). The researchers regard the opportunity to provide prisoners with fairer,
safer, humane and constructive living conditions, to reduce the burden on the state in
maintaining the penitentiary system as positive aspects (Kovalev, Sheremetyeva, 2013,
pp. 19-22), on the other hand, there is a lack of experience among the staff of such
institutions in working with a contingent of prisoners (Shamsunov, 2016, pp. 25-28), in
addition, the increase in the number of prisoners is associated with the privatization of
prisons (Kovalev, Sheremetyeva, 2013, pp. 19-20).
The model of private penitentiaries (with some modifications) is widespread in a number
of foreign countries (Shamsunov, 2016), while some countries (for example, Germany)
began to stop privatization of prisons (Gulina, 2012). The national special literature
suggests the possibility of gradual perception of foreign experience in this part in Russia
(Kovalev, Sheremetyeva, 2013, p.28).
The authors of this article believe that the question of the introduction of a model of a
private penitentiary institution in the penal correction system of Russia, taking into
account the noted positive and negative aspects of it, requires careful study with the
involvement of a wide range of scientists and practitioners. This process may be gradual,
subject to compliance with all relevant requirements established by law and other
regulatory legal acts for the organization and functioning of the correctional institution
(including security issues).
The outer side of the prison security.
There is and dynamically develops a system of social control over persons released from
correctional institutions abroad (Veldhuis, 2015) (first of all, repeat offenders (Tohava,
2009, pp. 198-201). In this regard, it is necessary to consider positively probation, which
performs, among other things, the form of social control and supervision, as well as the
prospects of its implementation in domestic practice.
In some foreign countries, criminal law instruments are provided for persons who have
committed particularly serious crimes and who have served prison sentences. In
particular, we are talking about the so-called preventive arrests (Sicherheitsverwahrung)
to persons convicted of especially serious crimes of violent nature applied within the
framework of the German penitentiary system (Gulina, 2012, pp. 136-142). At the same
time, it is necessary to pay attention to the reformation of this institution, including under
the influence of decisions of the European court of human rights (Reform der
Sicherungsverwahrung, 2011). In General, this institution raises questions in terms of its
The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for administrative supervision
of persons released from prison (Federal law of 6 April 2011), while the term of
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary system and the possibility of its use in
domestic practice
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov, Inna Borisovna Uskacheva, Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov, Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailova, Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
administrative supervision is limited to the period established by the legislation of the
Russian Federation for the repayment of the criminal record. In this regard, the domestic
approach seems to be more in line with the General legal principle of legality. However,
this statement does not deny the opportunity to improve directly the forms of
administrative supervision in order to prevent the Commission of new crimes and other
offenses by repeat offenders.
Apparently, the efficiency of the implementation of the administrative supervision may
be provided subject to systematic observation carried out by supervised entities, an
important role is played by innovation component, namely, the establishment of
electronic registration of supervised persons and access by all law enforcement units. In
this regard, the importance of foreign best practices and the need to take them into
account and use them seems obvious.
Conducted on the basis of the comparative legal method and with the involvement of
other methods of scientific knowledge, the study has a significant novelty, since it
attempts to substantiate the parameters of the perception of the best foreign experience
of penitentiary security in the modern penal system of Russia. These parameters should
be correlated with the type of the Russian legal system and the needs of reforming the
Russian penal correction system in the direction of humanizing penitentiary activity, and
at the same time improving its efficiency and security. Penitentiary security is complex,
includes internal and external directions.
Accordingly, this vision, as a result of the comparison of the basic characteristics of the
penitentiary systems of a number of modern foreign States and the penal enforcement
system of Russia, identified promising for perception in domestic legislation and practice,
the provisions of best foreign experience and formulated recommendations regarding the
forms of this perception.
The conclusion about the reflection in the penal legislation of Russia (article 78, 87 of the
Penal code) used in the foreign penal practice methods of differentiation of convicts on
the basis of the findings of specialized centers on the level of danger and the possibility
of transfer of the sentenced person, the sentence which ends in a penitentiary institution,
with a ‘soft mode’ with simultaneous passage of programs of adaptation and re-
The importance of the technical means of ensuring penitentiary security, confirmed by
the best practice in the implementation of penitentiary activities, raises the question of
increasing the technical equipment of correctional institutions and other institutions and
bodies executing criminal penalties, and also assumes reflection in the current criminal
Executive legislation (art. 83 of The penal code of the Russian Federation), the obligation
of the administration of correctional institutions to use such means in order to ensure the
personal safety of convicts and correctional personnel.
The humanization of penitentiary activities does not deny the adequate response of the
penal correction system to the threats posed by penitentiary crime and other factors that
disrupt the normal functioning of the penitentiary institution. In this regard, the national
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary system and the possibility of its use in
domestic practice
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov, Inna Borisovna Uskacheva, Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov, Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailova, Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
practice should take into account the foreign experience of the functioning of penitentiary
institutions in emergency circumstances in the parameters of the current legislation.
Assessing the foreign practice of creating private closed-type penitentiaries, as well as
the possibility of its perception in the domestic practice, the authors proceed from the
fact that this process can be phased, while at the same time subject to all relevant,
established by law and other regulatory legal acts requirements for the organization and
functioning of the correctional institution (including security issues).
Development of forms of social control and supervision over the persons released from
penitentiary institutions (primarily retidivirovanii) in Russia has prospects in the
parameters stipulated by the Federal law (2011) on administrative supervision over
persons released from places of imprisonment. The introduction of electronic records of
persons under surveillance and the provision of access to them by all units of law
enforcement agencies can contribute to improving the efficiency of administrative
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e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 9, Nº. 1 (May-October 2018), pp. 122-136
Foreign experience in ensuring the security of the penitentiary system and the possibility of its use in
domestic practice
Andrey Vasilievich Shcherbakov, Inna Borisovna Uskacheva, Maxim Nikolaevich Bogdanov, Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailova, Sergey Alexeevich Shatov
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