caused the pirates' Modus Operandi to change. Right now, there are practically no
hijackings of ships for theft of crude (Bunkering) and subsequent sale on the black
market, which had been a common practice in recent years. An act of Bunkering can take
one or more days to consummate, with the strong possibility that the pirates are
discovered and arrested by the authorities. On the other hand, the number of attacks
with the purpose of kidnapping crew members of the ships has been increasing, with a
view to obtaining high amounts for their rescue. This is the current Modus Operandi of
the pirates. Their dexterity is already such that they are able to consummate their acts
in relatively short periods of time, sometimes around 30 minutes, which allows them to
have a very high success rate in their actions. Due to the fact that the activity of pirates
in this Gulf is now very much directed towards the kidnapping of seafarers, to obtain
ransoms, the number of kidnapped crew members has been increasing significantly in
recent times, and the situation is expected to worsen in the near future.
3. Conclusions
Although the GG region is very rich in natural resources, the impoverishment of
populations, corruption, anarchy and social dislocation are common to virtually all
countries in this Gulf. These are the factors that, associated with the great proliferation
of illegal weapons and the proximity of major trade routes, have encouraged the
resurgence of maritime piracy / ARAS in the region.
In Nigeria, the country where most of the pirates working in the GG come from, the inter-
ethnic tensions caused by the social instability that exists in that country, have generated
a lot of violence between armed groups and between them and the government,
especially in the various states of the Niger River Delta. Some of these groups started to
dedicate themselves to maritime piracy / ARAS as a way to get “easy” money, because
they see this activity as profitable and not very dangerous, which allows them not only
to finance their activities, but sometimes their livelihood and that of their families.
Since sea piracy / ARAS can never be eradicated from the seas, government efforts
should be made to minimize it, therefore, it is necessary for the GG countries to adopt
social development measures that provide better living conditions, job creation and
promote literacy and social justice. In the particular case of Nigeria, the large amounts
obtained from the sale of oil should first be used in the areas from which it is extracted,
giving more well-being to local populations.
The fight against maritime piracy / ARAS in GG, to be more effective, must involve
everyone, which will only be achieved with greater awareness of the importance of
maritime security, either by governments or local populations. The national, regional and
global interests of the countries are increasingly passing through the sea - in areas such
as trade, maritime transport, fishing, tourism and the exploitation of marine resources,
among many other activities -, whose success will only be possible with maritime piracy
/ ARAS reduced to a minimum, since it will never be possible to eradicate it once and for